Looking for 2 new additions to our 12 million rated group! Details inside...

Just had to long time members retire and need awesome replacements. We will be 12 million rated again when you join! We run map 5x5 every week for AQ and require donations to run that only. We're currently in Gold 3 rank 635 this war season, and finished higher last season's end. It's something we've struggled with since they made all of the changes, so ideally whoever joins would be have experience and be able to be active and competitive and help us advance in both war and quest. We are a mixed group of veterans, relatively experienced players and some newer (1 year or so) who we allow to develop with us as we can fit them in. We're mostly adults, respectful, we have fun, we're very active and hungry for rewards still, and want to see our resources and champs grow. Only serious, respectful and generally amicable players tend to stick with us, and I would love to find two more in that same idea. We use Line for all communications. If you are interested and want more information, please find either myself (Nick Caine on line and in game) or DodgeX (on Line) and we can chat more. Hope to hear from you soon, and ideally we could get you in before next AQ week starts!