Reset AW tier and AW rating when a new AW season starts?

Do you think that all alliances should start each war season from the same (zero) point?
Reset AW tier and AW rating when a new AW season starts? 90 votes
start from zero
42 votes
continue from where alliance is
48 votes
If alliances use the existing tiers / multiplers they are already ahead other teams.
Starting from zero they would need to build the tiers / multipliers like everyone else.
If everyone started at zero, you would have matchups of 2 million alliance (that had a 1100 war rating the week before) fighting a 20 million alliance (that was 3k war rating the week before).
I never had a war against an alliance of 10 or 15 millions.
My alliance started at 3 millions and at the moment is at 6.
All the enemies were ALSO with alliance rating close to ours, not just the war rating.
And who says that starting from zero won't mean also an adjustment to the match-up system?
So, it's pointless for your alliance to start with the same war multiplier as all other alliances?
Here is my recent post. After posting time and time again and people dont believe me.....
At top tiers you get matched up against the best cus only the best are there... not much room for ally rating to take effect.
But in lower tiers war rating and ally rating certainly both decide the matchup.
@NoOnexRO is correct @Run477
Matchmaking was changed a while back now. Maybe 1year and more ago it didnt include ally rating but it certainly does now
lol. Yes, and all the top tiered alliances will have it piss easy for the whole season unless they end up facing each other all the time. It would make no difference what so ever.
There is maybe 1 or 2 alliances that have gone from like 2500 rating up to 3100+ during one season and placed Plat 1 or above.
Why do we always need to point out the "top alliances"?
Those alliances will reach the top easy. Okay. I understand.
I'm more interested in the 70-75% of the alliances that will get to fight for bronze, silver and gold.
The rest 25% will get to top or bottom anyway - with or without the reset.
In higher tiers (tier 2 and 3), we will get matched a lot of times with alliances that are 3 million or more higher than us. But it might just be that war rating plays a larger factor that high bc there may be less allies of our size in that tier.
I suspect the higher tiers dont find this simply cus there is noone to match with at similar ally rating when you are searching simply because of low pool size.
At 1000 war rating you have thousands of allies ranging from 1 mil to 20 mil.....
At 2500 war rating you only have a few hundred. And these will by nature be at the higher end of skill and ally size.
Until u then get rating manipulation.
As it seems to be total ally rating atm.
People selling 3* champs to lower rating and get easier competition....
Would need to be prestige...
But the current top 5 champs prestige is useless. Prestige counted by top 15 champs would be a good indicator of war strength...
Yeah but if war rating was reset a 4mil ally would not face mmxiv due to alliance rating in the broken matchmaking....
Mmxiv would only face another extreamly high rated ally...
Matchmaking is based on war rating not alliance rating.
See my post....
with evidence it uses both....
After months of trying to get people to see this... maybe now they will understand...
Whilst you are true to a point.
Matchmaking never used to use alliance rating.
It does now.
And with the way itndoes it means that a 4mil ally can progress to a higher tier as it does not need to actually do as well in wars.
My 8.5 mill ally is tier 11 and score 140k but loses wars
Whilst my 4.5 mil ally is tier 9 and scores only 100k but wins.
Please read my other thread to see the data and understand.
So in an ideal situation you are right however the matchmaking process currently cause issues in lower to mid tiers.
Dofferent story roght at top as ther is such a small
Amount if allies.
Thats why i said you are kind of right.. i get your point there
I'm glad that you tried to view things from another perspective (mine).
Of course it's not a perfect one, it's just how I see things.
Indeed, progressing and investing to progress might be something hard to accept for a reset.
But there are games that have season resets and everyone understands that the progress is for THAT season only.
You progress, you get the rewards, you invest, you get the rewards... and after the period ends you start again, with equal chances like all the rest.
And, again,you need not to look at my proposal in a selfish manner - what is best to you or your alliance - but what would be good for everyone in this game.
We already have resets for weekly events. So each event is basically resetting the stats for all the alliances.
Not for AW seasons though.So, if an alliance manages to get to tier 10 and another alliance to tier 15 they will start with different war multipliers the next season. If it's a NEW event why is it tied to the previous season?
Just my personal opinion, of course.
All alliances started with a 0 war rating at some point and have earned (cheaters aside) their war rating. Think it’s fair an alliance can be on the same level day 1 they form as an allaince who has worked to get where they are? No the new alliance needs to build their war rating over time just like everyone else.. if you’re good you should have a fine war rating in no time. People need to stop looking for a free ride or easy leg up. Everyone built their war rating from nothing at one point. Build yours.