Any Planned Maintenance tonight?

I've been considering going for a legend run for a long time. Recently, my alliance friends have sent me energy refills and I have enough to do a legend run. However, the energy refills will only last 10 more days in my stash and I have only until tomorrow to complete the legend run to possibly earn the title of Legend for this month. The energy refills will expire in my stash before I have the opportunity next month.My very last opportunity to complete the legend run is tonight. However, if there is maintenance, that will eliminate all possibility of completing the legend run. Can anyone please confirm if there will be any planned maintenance tonight? I did scroll back through the in-game messages looking for a notification of maintenance, but did not see any.
There was however an emergency maintenance in its place, lol
Why would you start a legends run on a Tuesday right before the usual maintenance time?
We do not have a maintenance scheduled tonight. Enjoy the extra time in the Battle Realm!
Only because 1) there's no time left really to do it and 2) these energy refills were gifted to me last Friday for my birthday and they expire in 15 days. I was going to wait until next month, but they'll expire before the next event quest. Finally, 3) I don't have time tomorrow.
Thanks for the well wishes everyone! This months event quest seemed to take an awful lot of energy. I was up until about 3am after it all. Work is going to be fun I'm not certain I got it...I could be doomed from the start because I have an Android, not an iPhone, but it is a brand new Google Pixel 2 and load times did seem fast. Either way...I had to try. My alliance mates we kind enough to gift all those energy refills... Couldn't waste them.
I brought in 3 of the best I had: 5* R4 SL, 5* R4 Guil, 6* R1 Bishop... And then brought 4* YJ and AM for attack boost. I have no 5* R5 unfortunately. I popped 20% attack/health boosts for the harder fight areas and 10% for the easier. I thought I fight very quickly, even against MODOK in the last chapter of Master. I was primed and ready because I had already beaten Uncollected.
With all that, it took me 5 hrs and 17 minutes. I've heard you need to get as close to 4 hrs as possible, so I'm definitely worried it wasn't fast enough. I honestly don't think I could have done it any faster all considered.
If that's true, then perhaps it should really be reconsidered how the Legend Title is earned. That doesn't seem fair at all. I don't like iPhones and that's my preference...I'm not going to buy one just because it will load fights faster.
I hope you don't mind me mentioning/summoning you again @Kabam Miike , but I would like to bring attention to this. I did put a lot of time into the legend run yesterday and I don't have access to an iPhone, nor do I want one. If I was doomed from the start because of that, then it is really discouraging and I'll be overly exhausted at work today for pretty much no reason. Do you think it's possible that earning the "Legend Title" could be done a different way? What about by adding the total time of just the fights themselves or doing something with the combo and hits taken counts that are summarized at the end of each fight?
Based on comments above, I doubt I really ever had a chance from the beginning, even if I did have a 5* at R5 and still popped boosts and included the attack increase synergy.
I would be against the second idea you gave, but all for finding a way just to time the fights. Only because android has so many different models people can choose from, the argument is still "why should I buy a different phone"
I totally agree. I feel the iPhones, while good in many respects, carry too high a price tag for what they offer. Also, I have never been keen on how they are designed or work. I'm used to other things and I would prefer to have a different phone. I don't feel it's fair to not have the same opportunity in game because of that.
I don't disagree with you. I use iPhone, have had some troubles recently, but enjoy them. The biggest problem for me is you have the whales who spend so much on the game, of course they're going to get the new phone every time this comes out. So every time a new iphone comes out, it still excludes anyone with the older model. I get the idea behind the legend title, but would love to see it based off skill instead of phone.
I whole-heartedly agree. I don't mean to bash the iPhone. Use it if you love's just not for me...and I'm not going to buy it just because "everyone else does".
Argh...I can sympathize! Sorry you missed it. I hope you get the next one if you're up to trying again!