Champion limits in Alliance Wars

I may be alone in this, but I feel like alliance wars are becoming boring due to always facing the same champions in the opposition's defence.

In order to make things more interesting and add some variety, I think it would be interesting if a champion limit were to be introduced so that only 2-3 instances of the same champion can be added to any 1 map (a map being an alliance war battlegroup).

Some nice side-effects of this limit would be that it would make players think more about node placement - for example, rather than just placing Mordo's everywhere, they would need to think about which 2-3 nodes would be best for the 2-3 Mordo's they are allowed to place.

It would also cause players to think about other, less obvious defenders, to rank up based on what nodes they could be effective on.

A third bonus would be that it would add a tactical element, in that alliances would need to communicate and work together to determine which players should place certain champions up to the limit, based on their masteries, PI and signature levels. They could also use this limit to help determine which players go in which battlegroup.

I would like to see a 3 champion limit per map/battlegroup introduced, with this reducing to 2 instances of a champion for the highest tiers. Beginner tiers would be exempt due to new players having small rosters.


  • LordSneezeLordSneeze Member Posts: 10
    I actually really like the idea.
    An additional point to it could be that each war has random champs not allowed to be selected/banned. Or even a random champ that must be used as the boss.
    This would remove the constant NC, Rhino, Dommamu etc as war boss.
  • RotmgmoddyRotmgmoddy Member Posts: 916 ★★★
    LordSneeze wrote: »
    I actually really like the idea.
    An additional point to it could be that each war has random champs not allowed to be selected/banned. Or even a random champ that must be used as the boss.
    This would remove the constant NC, Rhino, Dommamu etc as war boss.

    That would spice up the difficulty of placing champs and evoke more strategy, which would be really nice! Maybe only present at the higher tiers of wars, each war will ban 1-3 random champions, giving alliances a different challenge every time they try to place their defenders.

    I don't think the mandatory boss champion will work very well, what if the team genuinely doesn't have that champion? Does that mean no boss can be placed there and hence, a free win for the enemy pretty much? Don't think it would be that fair.

    Other than that it's a good idea!
  • SirnoobSirnoob Member Posts: 952 ★★★
    Never liked the idea of forcing some not to place a champ kinda ruins the whole point of aw which is for a alliance to go all
  • Mr_OtterMr_Otter Member Posts: 1,614 ★★★
    What about a randomizer? Takes all your champs and moves them for you so no 1 champion is always on the same node
  • winterthurwinterthur Member Posts: 8,314 ★★★★★
    There was a similar thread some weeks ago with a view this would prejudice alliance which only has those tough champs as options.

    Separately, I think having AQ which allows only 3* champs (or a certain combination of different tier champs) may be B)

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