Please be aware, there is a known issue with Saga badging when observing the AW map.
The team have found the source of the issue and will be updating with our next build.
We apologize for the inconvenience.

Alliance Wars Season 3 Discussion Thread



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    TheRealApocTheRealApoc Posts: 320 ★★
    Everyone will just place lower rated defenders to bypass the pay to win scenario. I've seen videos of people using one stars.
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    Mr_PlatypusMr_Platypus Posts: 2,779 ★★★★★
    Slickpetey wrote: »
    Like many others, I’m unhappy that I had to rank up champs for diversity only to have them rendered useless now. I would never have ranked up Storm, Magneto, etc for defence over my 5*Spiderman, Nightcrawler, etc.

    I see that “diversity” might come back but it doesn’t change the fact that I was forced to spend resources on Champions I had no interest in ranking up.

    Now I get to rank up my Spider-Man. In 4 weeks will diversity come back and force me to bench him?

    They added diversity just as I reached a point where I could rank up champs purely for defence, so my roster is now worthless lol, I’ll be struggling to find a half competent alliance should my current one decide they need stronger defence
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    SiliyoSiliyo Posts: 1,428 ★★★★★
    4 weeks still feels a bit too short (5 weeks sounds better), which may cause as much stress as 8 weeks because now ALL 12 wars will count towards your placement UNLESS the scoring has changed in some way. I also feel that a 3 week would be much better (if we did do a 5 week season) because it would give us much more time to rack up on alliance potions, revives, units, boosts, etc. Please consider this for next season.
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    TheRealApocTheRealApoc Posts: 320 ★★
    PP85 wrote: »
    @Kabam Miike will you consider offering rank down tickets in relation to decisions made on the back of defender diversity?

    Hard NO! and if they did, you wouldn't' get Gold back like the last time....
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    TheRealApocTheRealApoc Posts: 320 ★★
    Should change that qualifier 5 wars thing.
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    ASV27ASV27 Posts: 91
    Also, you have the time to upgrade the nodes, please update the rewards and war crystals. At least give us something to look forward to.
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    SiliyoSiliyo Posts: 1,428 ★★★★★
    @Kabam Miike do you mind explaining Aspect of Evolution again please?
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    DukeZmanDukeZman Posts: 604 ★★★
    NinjAlan wrote: »
    To be clear, when the community referenced "spreadsheet wars" these were defined when wars had no defender kills, no attacker bonuses, and p.i. Impacted score. Further proof that kabam is completely out of touch with its player base.

    I think he's referring to having to make constantly updating spreadsheets of who has what champ with what sig level to squeeze the most out of diversity. That was a huge pain. As an alliance leader, I don't want to spend all my time coordinating to the point where I barely get to touch the game.
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    Zuko_ILCZuko_ILC Posts: 1,504 ★★★★★
    Many people ranked up certain champs because you implemented diversity, now you are removing it therefore those champs have lost their value significantly and wouldn't have been ranked up. Will we be receiving rank down tickets?

    Also another increase in difficulty? This makes me say Plat3 ally is good enough for me, I'm tired of spending more and more and getting less rewards for increased spending.

    Another ball dropped by Kabam in my opinion.
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    JRock808JRock808 Posts: 1,149 ★★★★
    PP85 wrote: »
    @Kabam Miike will you consider offering rank down tickets in relation to decisions made on the back of defender diversity?

    Hard NO! and if they did, you wouldn't' get Gold back like the last time....

    Could care less about the gold, or the iso. Just give me my t2a back.
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    TacopacoTacopaco Posts: 2
    Is there possibly a disconnect here?
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    GamerGamer Posts: 10,407 ★★★★★
    And @Kabam Miike what with Them ther get kick rigth berfor the wars ends thah bs. For Them
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    Fabi1989Fabi1989 Posts: 112
    Make more Money and bring the best (Ironie) Alliance back to #1
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    Shivamrajak124Shivamrajak124 Posts: 58
    Guys I am so excites for next season but Mr.mike can you reward ultimate crystal in next update of july
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    Animejay70Animejay70 Posts: 400 ★★★
    Riegel wrote: »
    ASV27 wrote: »
    ASV27 wrote: »
    like the shorter season but the price to complete the maps just quadrupled. No more free fights and harder nodes.

    So, with the exception of those Nodes on Challenger and Expert that we mentioned, we haven't made any other nodes harder. The new Nodes are meant to make things more difficult, but will also be visible from the get go, so Attackers are able to bring in champions to specifically counter whatever Champion they see there.

    Removing diversity is much more important than the new nodes. There's gonna be 10+ IMIWs and Dorms on every map. I get why you did it, but it just stinks for the players.

    I don't think anybody wants to place 10 Dormammu on a Map anymore... The Meta has shifted quite a bit since Diversity was introduced, and some of the former best Defenders have met their match now. Others may seem difficult right now, but Players have already started to find the counters needed for them! This will continue to happen in cycles, because that's just the nature of a game like this!

    So poop man. People will only place he defenders most likely to get a kill that means every alliance will move toward 10 IM IW, dorm, MS, domino, Medusa. That is a fact. It’s so sad to see this happening.

    Yes. it's totally absurd. all the gold and cats we wasted ranking up champs for diversity too!
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    Horror_punkHorror_punk Posts: 1,053 ★★★★
    Are you adding Defender kills points again like in old wars?
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