AW Search Time needs an adjustment

Majority of alliances play 3 wars a week. Currently, the search time for MMXIV has been close to or over 3 hours on average. Due to the long search time we had been experiencing, we are at times unable to play 3 wars despite searching as soon as the search window opens on Wednesdays or when a war is over. Due to our high rating, our match search pool is restricted and many alliances have been strategically avoiding our search window.
I would like to request that either you guys adjust our match search pool parameters (probable opponents and restrictions) or enable weekly war search earlier or disable war search later to give us an extra hour or two. I believe this request is reasonable and fair.
Thank you.
Majority of alliances play 3 wars a week. Currently, the search time for MMXIV has been close to or over 3 hours on average. Due to the long search time we had been experiencing, we are at times unable to play 3 wars despite searching as soon as the search window opens on Wednesdays or when a war is over. Due to our high rating, our match search pool is restricted and many alliances have been strategically avoiding our search window.
I would like to request that either you guys adjust our match search pool parameters (probable opponents and restrictions) or enable weekly war search earlier or disable war search later to give us an extra hour or two. I believe this request is reasonable and fair.
Thank you.
Is this the right section for my post? Or is sending a ticket a better method?
Which alliances should receive special treatment?
False, since my request involves mmx getting equal treatment as other alliances who have higher or sure chance to successfully search 3 wars + room for flexibility within the current allotted time. Furthermore, this request applies to any alliances that will eventually maintain a skewed high rating compared to the average rating pool.
The current search condition fail to provide equal condition to all, therefore, a change in search parameter or its matching calculation/condition should be improved. Lets face it, search should not be over 3 hours to begin with.
I wouldn't call it special treatment. It's about being fair. They also have the right to have 3 wars, that's it.
Search time shouldnt b over 2 hours seriously...
The alliances that press start on time.
Once they open the matchmaking thingy they have.
To clarify:
-AW is enabled on Wed 11am PDT and disabled at Sunday 7pm PDT.
-Every war is 48 hours (24 hours placement phase, 24 hours attack phase)
-Our war searches have been on average 3 hours.
So, it comes down to:
Wed 11am(search enabled and we search) -> Wed 2pm(war#1 match found) -> Fri 2pm (war#1 ends, new search begins) -> Fri 5pm (war#2 match found) -> Sun 5pm (war#2 ends, new search begins).
Therefore...we only have 2 hours left on Sunday to search and find 3rd war match. If we are lucky, we get a match. Plus, this is assuming we search as fast as possible EVERY time.
Other alliances usually match within 2 hours and have a lot more flexibility and room. They can recruit and replace a new member after a war taking 10-30minutes and still have room to search for 3 wars per week. Our officers have life. They may not be able to be present the minute a war ends and a new search needs to be started...
It doesnt matter whether the majority of people in your alliance is compromised of peoeple from Asian, Euro, US, or elsewhere...
To clarify:
-War search is enabled every Wednesday 11am PDT and disabled every Sunday 7pm PDT.
-Every war takes 48 hours (24 hours placement phase & 24 hours attack phase)
-On average, our searches have been 3 hours.
Wed 11am PDT (search begins and we search) -> Wed 2pm (war#1 match found) -> Fri 2pm (war#2 search begins) -> Fri 5pm (war #2 match found) -> Sun 5pm (war #3 search begins).
For our 3rd war search, we have 2 hours to find a match. If we are lucky, we will find a match, if not we cannot play a third war. Plus, this is assuming our officers search as soon as possible when a war ends.
Other alliances have plenty time and flexibility to search for 3 wars. They can even take 10-30minutes after a war to recruit and replace a member. Their officers can afford to excuse themselves because they have a life and not be present the minute a war ends. It does not matter whether you are EU or US or Asia or wherever…the search system is just not optimized to consider a high rating such as us given the limited allotted search time we have.
This is the correct section. Thank you for sharing your feedback regarding the long search times for your alliance. Should you wish to write into our Support Team, they will likely direct you to the feedback form (that will also be reviewed by the game team). Either way works for us! I'll ensure this feedback is seen.
I don't know a ton about coding or if this making a coding change is something that could be done to resolve the issue (it is possible that the issue is more a matter of lack of viable alliances available to match with, not the time/code itself - just my first thought and I may be totally off as well, I'm not looking at the data), but it is good for us to know the troubles you're having so the team can look into it further and come up with a possible solution if one can be found. Thanks again for sharing this, and for clarifying!
It is true that our potential alliance matching is limited. I also do not know exactly how the coding is done, but i assume tat alliances beyond certain XY aw rating difference cannot be matched together. I do suggest though that after 2 hours or so searching...that this XY value should be increased. Ex. Assuming we are at 3300 rating... system tries to match those with 300 aw rating difference The first hour; 600 aw rating difference by 2 hours; 900 aw rating difftence by 3 hours...just as an example.
It would be great if alliances closer to our rating would be more willing to match us for the challenge. Unfortunately, this has not been the case.
Yes, there are groups tat strategically search at certain time either by splitting themselves to lessen the chance to match one another or searching once few have found a match already to avoid one another. Legit strategy nonetheless.
The difference between your alliance and mine would be that the matching pool for yours is a lot bigger, therefore, during ur search time the likelyness you will find a match within 2 hours is a lot more likely.
Yes, there are groups tat strategically search at certain time either by splitting themselves to lessen the chance to match one another or searching once few have found a match already to avoid one another. Legit strategy nonetheless.
I don't disagree with the strategy being legitimate. I'm just saying you cannot have your cake and eat it too. If the top alliances, even if not your alliance, are choosing to do it that is the problem and not the system for matchmaking itself. You cannot draw even matchups when scores have been run up so high. The system just won't match you against alliances with a much lower rating.
This would be horrible. Yes, if you are in T1 and are a mainstay, you *should potentionally* be able to square up against whoever, but the proposed values are way too big. I wouldnt wanna face you guys just coz we had the misfortune to start AW late and you have been waiting for hours.
For now, all im asking is for more time search or to increase our matching potential a bit.
To be fair, you are at 3.3k rating, so you're a bit of an outlier, because the closest to you is 3.17k. In your case, TOP50 alliances should be in your pool, maybe if you got your rating 100 or so lower, it would be faster, because my guess is now it only searches for top 10 or so.
Or instead of just taking the top 50, taking the top 75. That would increase the odds in a 50%.
Those with 3000+ rating could be considered outliers, however, this is due to the fact that we win all our wars usually whereas those below top 20 mayb follow the 65% win rate model more closely. Another occurance i can raise about is that there are also alliances that interchange alliances whenever they reach a certain aw rating alternating between two alliances where one keeps winning while another keeps losing then swap. This strategy also is legit in that they face blackout consequences, but it is also true that they are misrepresenting their true rating and shortening the number of higher rated alliance segment...which result in less alliances that will would match us.
With t4c no longer being a game changer, aq rewards have becomes less of a prioriety than aw rewards nowadays. I do not mean to expand my topic outside my request, but improving aq rewards by adding some 5* shards can potentially discourage the practice i just mentioned.
hahahaha what for? They are the top. Putting 1* or 5* r4 wouldn't make any difference for them. They would breeze through the map as usual.
he said what for, questing lol