AW node 35 bugged?

DioniusDionius Member Posts: 21
Went into an AW fight last night, my r4 5* Spider-Man Stark Against a 4* Dorm. The node is no damage from regular hits but special attacks increase 400%.
I built up 10 poise in the fight and I popped a Special 1 with Sparky and it did a grand total of 10% overall damage. 10%!
I had 10 poise. On a normal sparky special attack like that, especially against a 4*, I would expect at least maybe 50% damage, but this has the increased by 400% special attack node and instead it feels like my special was grossly reduced. That SP1 should’ve damn near killed Dorm. First hit took off 9% and the second part of the special, the really hard hitting part, did a measly 1% damage. I don’t understand how that is even possible with max poise and 400% special damage incrEased. I ended up dying from degen.
Something seems bugged here, please look into this.


  • _solidsnake_solidsnake Member Posts: 133
    I had the same issue with Hype on that node a couple weeks ago and someone on here told me that his Furies don't count towards the +400% SP damage. I don't know if that's true but that's what I was told. Sparky may have the same issue with his poise charges on that node.
  • HadoineHadoine Member Posts: 23
    Yes its bugged, dont think for a minute you are getting compensated tho... been back and forthing with “support” for weeks
  • Vicious_MongrelVicious_Mongrel Member Posts: 3
    Definitely has to be bugged. I also did a grand total of 10% damage against a yondu on that node while using my 3/45 red hulk sp1 with 6 heat charges .
  • RobjobcbkRobjobcbk Member Posts: 32
    I had the same issue with my 4* r5 sig 99 stark Spider-Man. He did a whopping 2-3% damage when the defender was in assassins range... very stupid.
  • jaylerdjaylerd Member Posts: 113
    Bumping because it's still broken, and making users choose their compensation package during "appreciation week" despite the fact that the game bugs ruined every corner of the game, not just arena or alliance events, isn't an acceptable solution.
  • DukeZmanDukeZman Member Posts: 698 ★★★
    Yep still broken, I fought a Sentinel there with my Stark Spidey couple wars ago. Same thing 10 poise charges. SP2 didnt kill him despite Stark’s bonus dmg to robots. Took me 3 SP1 to finish off the final 20%, and I have assassin mastery maxed too.
    And yeah, don’t expect Hyperion SP3 to do jack. I had 8 furies and hit SP3 and did like 30% against the champ there. 400% increase my foot!
  • hungryhungrybbqhungryhungrybbq Member Posts: 2,324 ★★★★★
    Yeah, power shield has been broken for a while. It's not consistently broken though..seems to be a sometimes it works properly and sometimes it doesn't type of deal.
  • hungryhungrybbqhungryhungrybbq Member Posts: 2,324 ★★★★★
    While I don't take that path anymore.. I remember how frustrating it was.
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