AQ Bugs?

Bronx425Bronx425 Member Posts: 22

So I accept my AQ fight and it takes me back out of the match. When the timer expires I lose half my health when it's not my fault. Really? It wouldn't let me into the fight



  • Bronx425Bronx425 Member Posts: 22
    Happened last AQ twice and now this one. It certainly is NOT the phone nor my reception
  • Gwm83Gwm83 Member Posts: 72
    Happens to me atleast twice a month
  • KattohSKattohS Member Posts: 717 ★★
    Don’t understand how this happens without you clicking the fight button. You should just time out in the versus lobby and go back to the node movement screen.
  • Bronx425Bronx425 Member Posts: 22
    That's the point. I hit the fight button and it took me back out to the overview screen and then wouldn't let me back in.
  • NEONEO Member Posts: 347
    I’ve experienced this as well. Don’t know why someone would flag this?
  • TitoBandito187TitoBandito187 Member Posts: 2,072 ★★★★
    It’s either this or it just spins after starting the fight. No issues with WiFi but the game can’t seem to move forward. Happened to me yesterday and again just now. I have to force close the game and launch and then it works just fine but I’m down 1/2 life. Yesterday, I got in before 2 minutes, the fight started and immediately got the timeout notification. That was pure awesome sauce.
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