LG G5 Device Specific Issues [Under Investigation]



  • AtariAvatarAtariAvatar Member Posts: 4
    @PeacockJazz Same story here with both me and my wife with the LG. This all started with the 12.0 update. We can't do any type of hard events without draining all the units or opening my wallet. Let's not even talk about what happens in AW.
  • PeacockJazzPeacockJazz Member Posts: 120
    I don't know what changed but yesterday afternoon (MDT) my game was a bit laggy. Not bad but running at like 90%, just enough that I could tell it was a little slow but my swipe seemed to be working. Last evening I did some testing and sure enough my swipe issue has magically disappeared. I have spoken with multiple other LG G5 users and they are still having issues. I do not know what the difference is for me. The only update that I had yesterday was the Clash Royal app that I updated in the morning. No other setting changes or updates that I can see. It is so awesome to play without issues again but I am worried the issue will return because it is not fixed for other LG G5 users. I am happy to work with the Game Team to try and find what might be causing the issue.
  • AbbotiniAbbotini Member Posts: 9
    edited June 2017
    I'm sooooo going to the play store and downloading Clash Royal even though I have no idea what it is. haha.

    Wolf (cant tag) - Any updates?
  • PeacockJazzPeacockJazz Member Posts: 120
    @Kabam Wolf I thought of one other thing that might be the cause of the LG G5 swipe issue. I changed my mastery setup the day that my swipe issue went away. I removed 3 points from Willpower, 2 from Stand your Ground, 1 from Perfect Block and 2 from Salve. I added those points to Offense, 2 to Assassin, 4 to Deep Wounds and 2 to Courage. The other thing I did prior to the swipe being fixed, I ranked a 4* x-23 up from rank 3 to rank 5. Please have the Game Team look into masteries interacting with the LG G5 and possibly being the cause to the swipe issues. I know that other LG G5 users are still having the issue and I am not now. There has to be a reason for the change.
  • AtariAvatarAtariAvatar Member Posts: 4
    I will do some testing on mine today and report back.
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  • AtariAvatarAtariAvatar Member Posts: 4
    Welp did some testing with some arena and on all 3 fights I had mixed results with evading back and dashing forward. Both functions only worked about 50% of the time so still terrible for my LG G5.
  • PeacockJazzPeacockJazz Member Posts: 120
    I do not know why my swipe started working. I have had 3 other LG G5 users test the masteries and it did not fix their issue either. Something happened but I can't figure out what.
  • VaillVaill Member Posts: 8
    my gameplay working well since 3 days, but i dont no why
  • Kushyclouds92Kushyclouds92 Member Posts: 25
    Glad to see the games working for some people. Im still experiencing the same problems i mentioned before @PeacockJazz what do you reccomend me trying seen as kabam still doesn't want to reply to us..also does anybody know if this summoners 'appreciation' is everybodys compensation for these bugs lol?
  • AbbotiniAbbotini Member Posts: 9
    I was one of the 3 who tried changing masteries and still have the same problems. Seemed to improve for a couple of fights, but then had a few fights where it was nigh on unplayable (vs Spidey in 5.2.2 was terrible for having the swipe attack punching the air).

    If you want to try, see Peacocks post higher up the page - The changes he can recall are removing Willpower, Stand Your Ground and Perfect Block.
  • AbbotiniAbbotini Member Posts: 9
    So... Last night - approx 8PM GMT Thursday 15 June... my game seemed to start playing better.

    While I changed my masteries in line with Peacock's post above the night before, the game was still playing badly with swipes misregistering after I did that.

    I didn't make any changes at all last night, but when I logged on, the game felt to be playing a little slower (approx 90% normal speed) as though maybe the frame rate had been reduced a little. However, as well as playing slower, the swipe issue seems to have disappeared (touch wood).

    So... I don't know what happened to peacock the previous night and me last night, but the game currently seems in good order on my phone.
  • Naidu_143Naidu_143 Member Posts: 14
    Mine xiaomi redmi 3s... i also had a same issue every time..
  • CptCrutchCptCrutch Member Posts: 21
    Bump for renewed acknowledgement that the G5 also has a lag/frame rate issue that IS NOT on the User's end. It is Kabam's end. My other games run smoothly.

    This 90% of peak performance is old. Im over struggling to win with such bugs. I get it done but it is becoming more unenjoyable by the day. Only reason I'm grinding right now is because Hyperion is awesome and I hope in the near future there will be a fix for this.
  • Kushyclouds92Kushyclouds92 Member Posts: 25
    @Kabam Miike do you guys have any updates?
  • Maverick75Maverick75 Member Posts: 804 ★★★
    I'll stick to my lg g4 then. No issues here.

    I play on G4 and I do have troubles with the game on it
  • egoshootersuchtegoshootersucht Member Posts: 15
    can we at least get some updates? i want to play...
  • egoshootersuchtegoshootersucht Member Posts: 15
    I'm still playing at around 10 FPS. And I have no idea, if it's on my end or Kabam's. So please give some information...
  • PeacockJazzPeacockJazz Member Posts: 120
    My device is still working. The swipe issue has basically disappeared since I removed my defensive masteries. I still have the occasional swipe not register but it might just be me swiping before an animation finishes or something. Still is 99% better than before. I recommend removing the masteries of Willpower, Stand your Ground, and Perfect block if you are using an LG G5. Then give it a day or two and see if you get the weird slow down in character movements, followed by your swipe working again. It worked for me and Abbotini.
  • Kabam WolfKabam Wolf Member Posts: 1,277 ★★★
    Hey guys. Thanks so much for the update on removing the Masteries. Hopefully that will help us repro the issue.
  • wSWeaponXwSWeaponX Member Posts: 366 ★★
    Kabam Wolf wrote: »
    Hey there everyone. Sorry for the delay on responding to you about this. The game team is currently looking into these issues with the LG G5, so hopefully we'll have some updates for you soon. It's possible I'll be back in here to ask you all for more information as we progress into this. Thanks so much for your patience.

    How come your text isn't orange?
  • Kushyclouds92Kushyclouds92 Member Posts: 25
    I tried to remove masteries it has not worked for me..please tell me you have news that your atleast working on the issues?
  • aereon8305aereon8305 Member Posts: 10
    Today is Saturday, June 24th and my LG G5 is useless since it doesn't respond to any kind of swipe about 85% of the time. I have to use my really old Samsung Galaxy 3 to do Versus, AQ, AW and any other fight that I can't use AI on.

    When will Kabam address this?
  • egoshootersuchtegoshootersucht Member Posts: 15
    edited June 2017
    I'm just waiting for an update...i'm getting really nervous...
  • PeacockJazzPeacockJazz Member Posts: 120
    edited June 2017
    I tried to remove masteries it has not worked for me..please tell me you have news that your atleast working on the issues?

    I don't know what is actually causing the issues Kushyclouds92. I just know that I reworked masteries and about 8 hours later the game got slow and the next morning my swipe issue was gone. I believe Abbotini removed his masteries as well and it might have taken a full day before he saw the slow down and then his swipe issue was gone too. I hope they figure out the exact cause. I am scared to change any masteries in fear that my swipe will return. Hope that helps.
  • Kabam WolfKabam Wolf Member Posts: 1,277 ★★★
    Hey guys quick update. The team is working to reproduce this using the updated Mastery information that you provided, so hopefully I'll have some solid information for everyone shortly. Thanks again for bearing with us on this one.
  • egoshootersuchtegoshootersucht Member Posts: 15
    And I wonder, if you at Kabam know about the FPS issue we talked about -.-
  • Kushyclouds92Kushyclouds92 Member Posts: 25
    @PeacockJazz thanks again..i did give that method a try but unfortunately i still have the same problems..its mostly against 5k+ enemys this happens with. So as you can imagine its nearly impossible to play on master mode so iv missed out on the last two event quests because of these bugs..iv used a hell of a lot of potions and revives for it to still not get me anywhere..as you can imagine this is extremely frustrating!! And after nearly 2 months for kabam to say they still dont really have any updates is quite insulting.it didnt take me 2months to realise there is still alot of problems in the game that are causing major frustrations for people for me im getting so p**ed off its effecting my real life lol.. And still no mention of compensation for these 2 months worth of bugs kabam this is truely awful it litrally costs you nothing to compensate your players for your mistakes..remember its a game and nothing exists you can easily give away free gifts and not lose anything from it. In fact you would only gain im sure alot of people who have quit are patiently waiting to return just as soon as you properly address and sort these issues. I have faith you guys will fix it soon hence why im still around. I truely enjoy playing mcoc and have since day 1 of playing please make the game fun again and back to how everything was before. @Kabam Wolf
  • CptMuffinCptMuffin Member Posts: 85
    Wow, ok I'm not the only one who has this problem. Glad to see that it wasn't just me being **** and that Kabam is looking into it.
  • PeacockJazzPeacockJazz Member Posts: 120
    Just a quick update. I still do not have the defensive masteries that I mentioned and today I had 2 swipes completely not register. My swipe issue is still waaaay better than before but it did show up today. Both times it was trying to swipe away from a heavy attack. It is pretty obvious when you try to avoid a heavy and swipe back and your guy just stands there for almost a full second before they hit you.
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