Porky_CaPorky_Ca Member Posts: 72
edited July 2018 in General Discussion
LOL ....just got a 4 star Cage and most in the community say this guy sucks as a over all great you all agree or not please let me know your views on this pressing subject B)B)B)B)


  • St333lllSt333lll Member Posts: 278
    He's not the best. By far not the worst though. If you ever duplicate him you're golden. The indestructible helps in a lot of ways.
  • dfmoore26dfmoore26 Member Posts: 105
    I love my 5* R4 Luke Cage.. consistently high damage.. Stun lock when played right.. 8-9 hit combos with the SP1 stun. Hoping to pull a dupe for the added indestructible but definitely is not needed
  • DaMunkDaMunk Member Posts: 1,883 ★★★★
    Yeah if people are currently telling you he suck they are just being jerks. Arguably the best bleed immune champ in the game. He fights very smooth and has big damage. Has stun and ability reduction. Great champ now.
  • StrategicStrategic Member Posts: 632 ★★★
    LC used to suck big time but now he's really good!
    Not the best but still very very good!
  • Ron_DeuceRon_Deuce Member Posts: 19
    I recently took my duped 4* LC to R5 over Quake and Void and I have no regrets. I use him for everything and he always comes through for me.
  • PureRage13PureRage13 Member Posts: 164
    Porky_Ca wrote: »
    LOL ....just got a 4 star Cage and most in the community say this guy sucks as a over all great you all agree or not please let me know your views on this pressing subject B)B)B)B)

    He's actually quite good now. He was meme worthy bad at the beginning of the year. But they buffed him since and he's a good character to get overall. The exhaustion stacks provide a lot of attack power and somewhat useful power control. You need to be aggressive with him. This is easier to do when he's awakened as he can tank an L3 repeatedly (albeit with a cool down timer). He's definitely r4 worthy and an possible r5 option depending on how you play him.
  • bm3eppsbm3epps Member Posts: 1,172 ★★★
    after buff very mystics for breakfast
  • AxeCopFireAxeCopFire Member Posts: 1,115 ★★★
    Anyone that says Luke Cage is "not bad" now has never used him. After his upgrade he's pretty much demi-god tier
  • Apocalypse189Apocalypse189 Member Posts: 1,135 ★★★
    He's not great.. He's not even good

    He is Power Man. The Science Demi God Champion
  • This content has been removed.
  • RafikiiRafikii Member Posts: 239
    i take my LC into war everytime.... what do you mean a stronger war champ
  • Porky_CaPorky_Ca Member Posts: 72
    Yep i did because with me i feel that some of the MCOC hero's should be played at a 3 star level and never go beyond that into the 4/5/6 levels......that's just me as a player.

    I was sad to do this but i sold off at the 4 star level

    (1) Howard The Duck
    (2) Ghost Rider
    (3) Luke Cage
    (4) Cable

    (1) With the ducky they should have him out of that robot machine **** and have him fighting enemy's on his he did back in the old school comic versions......and have him with 3 new special attacks to make you laugh and to have a lot fun playing him in fights. :D:D:D As he is now he is way to slow and will make you lose fights when you really need him to come though.......but he is good in general to use in event quest and quicky match stuff.......better at a 3 star slot in my view.

    (2) The same thing with Ghosty sort of but his damage is not all that good and he needs to have some more cooler special attacks to round out his mean frame of being.......also better in a 3 star slot

    (3) See comment about him on thread

    (4) I don't even like this all but have him i have him in a 2 star mode and think he's ok.....that gun is what i don't like so much about him it stays in the way when you try to get a hit on your enemy....his special attacks are ok but anything higher then 3 star no way.

    Ok folks let me know what you think hope i have not made anybody to upset with my views on these hero's but it takes a rainbow to make a Mosaic Art piece shine in beauty and we all need to share our view points Kudo's as always and happy combat as the MCOC motto would have it o:)o:)o:)
  • Fishman13579Fishman13579 Member Posts: 98
    Romo790 wrote: »
    Porky_Ca wrote: »
    Thanks guy's and gals for the feedback........LOL....but guess what......i sold the chap and will wait now to win him in a 3 star mode......... :):):)

    I know you're wondering why ???.......Well after fighting with him for a few moments in quest and general fighting modes i felt that i needed a more stronger cat to deal damage to enemy's in higher tier alliance wars fights.

    Not a bad guy to have in general but feel that he would be better in a 3 star pun intended B)B)B)

    I normally don’t poop on anyone in here but bro...... you really sold a 4* Luke cage? Sweet Christmas

    I see what you did there, sweet xmas lol
  • Porky_CaPorky_Ca Member Posts: 72
    You most likely have it duped above a 10 level is that correct ???
  • Fishman13579Fishman13579 Member Posts: 98
    Luke Cage is a beast. Once awakened one of the top science champs period. His exhaustion damage is silly and if you do it right you can stun chain them to death in the corner doing 9 hit combos between stuns. Even unawakened he is still a monster but the ability to forget about baiting and just beat them into an sp3 with no damage is great.
  • Porky_CaPorky_Ca Member Posts: 72
    Ajisdope wrote: »
    taojay1 wrote: »
    uhhh idk what some of you guys are talking about but luke cage is amazing now. One of the top science champs. His indestructible is useful but no one mentioned his crazy damage output? Hits really hard, especially after an sp3 and you have multiple exhaustion stacks. Bleed immune, counters power gain, and tanky

    +1. I have him unduped 5* and duped 4*. He hits like a tank when you build up exhaustion buffs.

    Ok maybe i need to get him in a 5 star......hmm that sounds cool....thanks for the feedback :)
  • Porky_CaPorky_Ca Member Posts: 72
    edited July 2018
    Some hero's should never be on the 4 star list for many different issues in my opinion but everybody has there own favorites and dislikes in the MCOC community at large.
  • Porky_CaPorky_Ca Member Posts: 72
    edited July 2018

    1. Howard The Duck
    2. Ghost Rider
    3. Cable
    4. Luke Cage

  • Porky_CaPorky_Ca Member Posts: 72
    edited July 2018
    I had those in a 4 star but sold
  • Porky_CaPorky_Ca Member Posts: 72
    edited July 2018
    1.Hulk ***Green One***
    2.Jean Grey DP
    4. Green Goblin
    5. Magneto
    6. Doc Octopus
    7. Night Crawler

    Be nice to get those instead in a 4 star mode :D
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