New 19.0 update phone problems [Merged Threads]



  • PonyboyPonyboy Member Posts: 122
    That’s true. A couple guys in my alliance say it just takes longer to reach critical conditions
  • RogueKing13RogueKing13 Member Posts: 188
    It's nice that you have finally brought this to their attention. I am sure something will be done now.
  • marius_78marius_78 Member Posts: 3
    just updated to ios 12beta 3. it seems that is not overheating any more, in power saving atleast. will see after more time play
  • PonyboyPonyboy Member Posts: 122
    @Kabam Miike
    Obviously my question about void arena is kind of a joke considering there are more serious issues. We just want some sort of response besides stock updates.
    I believe everyone’s emotions in this 75 page thread. I myself have never been so disinterested in the game before now. I’ve stuck through a lot of kabams poor choices and that inevitably left me to stop buying units. Besides the overheating issue, I no longer even want to look at the game anymore. I still really love the game and want it to actually do better than before. Underperforming and clipping have also increased since last summer. It’s not a hardware issue.

    Equal compensation down to the last pym canister is the bare minimum at this point. It’s no doubt that everyone is missing out on so much. Even just that could be a good start at restoring the faith.

    Side anecdote: I’ve never had my quest E be maxed for going on 2 years up until 2 weeks ago. It’s just not worth the phone damage and personal interest anymore
  • DiscountjohnnyDiscountjohnny Member Posts: 27
    Guess we miss out on ghost now also. So sad.
  • SaikologicalSaikological Member Posts: 45
    But look at kabams position in the list with app earnings. I believe its never been so low. In my country it wont take long for the game to be out of that list with 200 apps completely. Guess this issue and their lack of communication is starting to cost them.
  • Jestr54Jestr54 Member Posts: 344
    So it obvious all of Kabam knows their app is overheating and damaging phones but when is is supposed to be fixed, when the ant man story is end in over 2 weeks?
  • Jestr54Jestr54 Member Posts: 344
    So it obvious all of Kabam knows their app is overheating and damaging phones but when is is supposed to be fixed, when the ant man story is end in over 2 weeks?
  • Keneki_28Keneki_28 Member Posts: 4
    Don’t worry they will send us a 2* antman since our phones are getting ruined and we missed thousands of shards and units.
  • Jestr54Jestr54 Member Posts: 344
    I’ve had to replace my actual phone battery because it burned it up. I’m sure they’ll just send out another $50 offer
  • Keneki_28Keneki_28 Member Posts: 4
    That makes more sense. Why spend money to fix the phone our game broke when you can spend that money on 1/36 of a t2a cat and 1k 5* shards.
  • SuedeSuede Member Posts: 18
    Idea for compensation scheme (aka ”free stuff” as you like to call it)..
    - Players who are still playing the game after 3 weeks without issue solved gets 4* and 5* rank down tickets (this is now btw).
    - Players who are still playing the game after 4 WEEKS without issue solved gets 4* and 5* shards.
    - Players who are still playing the game after 5 WEEKS without issue solved gets 6* shards.

    And so on. Oh and instead of calling that free stuff, call it loyalty bonus :)
  • mostlyharmlessnmostlyharmlessn Member Posts: 1,388 ★★★★
    I think at this point it is restitution not compensation...
  • Kry0hKry0h Member Posts: 22
    Suede wrote: »
    Idea for compensation scheme (aka ”free stuff” as you like to call it)..
    - Players who are still playing the game after 3 weeks without issue solved gets 4* and 5* rank down tickets (this is now btw).
    - Players who are still playing the game after 4 WEEKS without issue solved gets 4* and 5* shards.
    - Players who are still playing the game after 5 WEEKS without issue solved gets 6* shards.

    And so on. Oh and instead of calling that free stuff, call it loyalty bonus :)

    imo kabam needs to first of all, fix their game. and fast because i want a four star void. second of all, I would like some compensation. Your idea is pretty good, maybe 1k four star shards and 3k five star shards that'd be nice.
  • SuedeSuede Member Posts: 18
    @Kry0h @mostlyharmlessn I agree priority should be to fix issue. That’s taking a while though so think it might be a good idea to make some moves that encourages players to stick around.
  • tonyj007tonyj007 Member Posts: 276
    Can we focus on the game being fixed what's the point talking about compensation now, when how many more devices will be damaged before overheating problem is fixed. I suppose testing is now how quick the beta testers phone gets hot and shutdown.

    The game might have been tweaked on the Live server to reduce overheating. Kabam waiting to see how many members report more overheating devices. A bit of live testing

    I expect this thread to grow a few more pages, before there is a fix
  • R4GER4GE Member Posts: 1,530 ★★★★
    Is it possible that 19.0 is using more data? Really struggling with loading since the update and everything else on my wifi is running just fine.
  • TheRawlsianTheRawlsian Member Posts: 7
    I’ve been experiencing the overheating problem like crazy since the 19.0 update. Phone gets noticeably hot after about 10 min. Causes the phone to restart after about 30 min. It’s caused me to lose health during AW and AQ, and it’s preventing me from being competitive for Legend runs or the arenas. It’s been weeks now, and I see from the comments that you guys are working on the problem, but this is beyond frustrating. I’ve been playing this game since 2014, and have spent more money than I care to think about.

    I’ve stuck with this game through a number of updates and changes that I disagreed with, but I’ve never been so close to leaving altogether. I’m sure I’m not the only one starting to look for new games that won’t potentially damage my phone. This response time is completely unacceptable - a problem this serious should never make it to release, and certainly should not take several weeks or more to fix.

    iPhone 7
    iOS 11.4
    Happens on WiFi and data

  • WeDieYoungWeDieYoung Member Posts: 7
    I don’t think they are gonna fix it or can. They probably feel that we will manage playing like we have 5 min at a time until we go out and buy a phone that run the game if there is any. Like you guys I have missed out on so much. I finally opened a 4* crystal last night. Took me 2 1/2 week to get enough shards. Ridiculous. I am dumbfounded by this whole situation. Missed AA, Void now Ghost.
  • PennsyltuckyPennsyltucky Member Posts: 63
    What's the latest progress from kabam. Any closer to a solution? Is this week 2 or 3?
  • Eric987Eric987 Member Posts: 78
    It's kind of crazy that it doesn't seem like this is getting fixed anytime soon. I had the game crash on me when all I was doing was setting out defense for AW. The app was running for maybe 10 minutes max. It's making the game unplayable. My Iphone 7 gets so hot I'm starting to worry it might fry if I keep playing.
  • DrZolaDrZola Member Posts: 9,473 ★★★★★
    I think at this point it is restitution not compensation...

    It was always restitution. Compensation is what you get when you do something of value. Restitution is what you get when someone else does something that wrongs you.

    Dr. Zola
  • beyonder8421beyonder8421 Member Posts: 881 ★★★
    If they cannot roll back the version of the game, they should really consider their deployment strategy.

    Since this started we had more and more bugs and glitches every day, some of them around the unit store. Anything that involves money is a critical issue (beyond damaging hardware). At this point I have to believe someone is sabotaging the app from the inside. It is hard to believe a software company would allow this situation to continue for several weeks.

    I also find it weird that, having an iPad, Apple hasn't send any notifications to me about the "play at your own risk" thing. I am really not sure if my device is hotter now than before, and I am not the only one to have gone through that. The game has gotten worse in terms of lagging and glitches.

    At this point, it's a safe guess they will release the changes with the next monthly update, I would rather them wait for a month to release new quests, and work on fixing the main issue (overheating).
  • DrZolaDrZola Member Posts: 9,473 ★★★★★
    If they cannot roll back the version of the game, they should really consider their deployment strategy.

    Since this started we had more and more bugs and glitches every day, some of them around the unit store. Anything that involves money is a critical issue (beyond damaging hardware). At this point I have to believe someone is sabotaging the app from the inside. It is hard to believe a software company would allow this situation to continue for several weeks.

    I also find it weird that, having an iPad, Apple hasn't send any notifications to me about the "play at your own risk" thing. I am really not sure if my device is hotter now than before, and I am not the only one to have gone through that. The game has gotten worse in terms of lagging and glitches.

    At this point, it's a safe guess they will release the changes with the next monthly update, I would rather them wait for a month to release new quests, and work on fixing the main issue (overheating).

    This is the second time I’ve seen someone suggest something amounting to malicious coding. What exactly gives you that impression?

    Dr. Zola
  • CharlesatpCharlesatp Member Posts: 6
    @kabam i wanted so much to play your game, and i dont want to miss the arena and monthly event. but its making my phone really hot and sometimes it restarts by itself. So tell me, shall i still continue to play mcoc? Please advice. No response means that its okay for me to continue playing.
  • marius_78marius_78 Member Posts: 3
    nope. it’s not working with ios 12 beta 3 either. not same overheat... i can’t tell, maybe i got use to it, but after 10-15 mins of play the phone phone become unresposive, no sound, no response from any buttons and finally black sceen of death and recover... i don’t know for how long. it’s become clear if i continue like that i will brick my phone....
    kabam wtf ???
  • RockonRockon Member Posts: 271
    just an update from myself, just around 7pm CST hit my phone got very hot like hot as a spatula sitting in a skillet on a stove and accidentally touched it. im now letting it sit and cool down, please for everyone else and your sake resolve this.
  • stingray_69stingray_69 Member Posts: 6
    This games issues have been increasing for some time. Mine started back in December. Completely stalled any advancement in the game for 2 months till the next update. I took time to write Kabam and got the generic response that basically stated we are unaware of any issues with the game though I had read many complaints on the forum with players having the same issues for longer than I had been experiencing them. Now the play did get better but the issues continued. One thing I had noticed that was the issues would come ago based on server maintenance and server loads which I compared notes with other players in our alliance. Kabam’s servers are just in adequate and I believe that works for them because many players will continue to dump money into the game to continue to advance regardless of issues with the game however many will not and we have been loosing long term players due to frustration with the game. This latest problem is probably the straw that breaks the camels back. Many players are waiting to see what the compensation will be and the general consensus among my group of peers is anything shy of a 6* crystal they are done. So that being said Kabam, the game was fun but you’ve pushed us too far and the time has come to delete your game for many players.
  • Kal_El3652Kal_El3652 Member Posts: 22
    You guys are all very funny... You all talk about compensation within the game. I understand that a lot of you pay to play and there are a bunch that don’t pay to play. I for one have put very little money into this game. Just the fact that prior to this whole OVERHEATING issue happened the were 2 EMERGENCY MAINTENANCE shutdowns of the game within the first few days was a major red-flag and they have yet to provide “compensation” for those mess ups. First and foremost they NEED to fix the game before anyone talks about restitution/compensation. Second of all they need their PR team to come up with a spin as how they can truly get away with Robbery by their product damaging peoples personal property! Then, once they have truly determined that their product is no longer a liability then they can possibly think of how they can give back within the game. But if anyone thinks that is on their mind it’s truly laughable!!!
  • beyonder8421beyonder8421 Member Posts: 881 ★★★
    DrZola wrote: »
    If they cannot roll back the version of the game, they should really consider their deployment strategy.

    Since this started we had more and more bugs and glitches every day, some of them around the unit store. Anything that involves money is a critical issue (beyond damaging hardware). At this point I have to believe someone is sabotaging the app from the inside. It is hard to believe a software company would allow this situation to continue for several weeks.

    I also find it weird that, having an iPad, Apple hasn't send any notifications to me about the "play at your own risk" thing. I am really not sure if my device is hotter now than before, and I am not the only one to have gone through that. The game has gotten worse in terms of lagging and glitches.

    At this point, it's a safe guess they will release the changes with the next monthly update, I would rather them wait for a month to release new quests, and work on fixing the main issue (overheating).

    This is the second time I’ve seen someone suggest something amounting to malicious coding. What exactly gives you that impression?

    Dr. Zola

    It's too many errors in very little time. The odd thing is, it's not just malicious code, some of them are operational (like selling the wrong crystals).
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