How do you get your champs PI over 4k and more?

Bullfighter77Bullfighter77 Member Posts: 68
I see players in global and in my alliance with champs over 4k pi rating and more ! I wonder how do you get a champion over 4k PI


  • DNA3000DNA3000 Member, Guardian Posts: 20,454 Guardian
    I see players in global and in my alliance with champs over 4k pi rating and more ! I wonder how do you get a champion over 4k PI

    Rank of champion plays a role. For example, 4* champs have a PI of very roughly 1000 times their rank: i.e. a 5/50 will be somewhere in the general vicinity of 5k. On top of that, signature ability level increases PI, and many masteries increase PI, in particular masteries that increase attack, but also masteries that improve your champions in other areas.

    On top of all of that, boosts temporarily increase PI, by virtue of increasing attack and/or health. In particular, this week everyone has a temporary 10% health and attack boost as part of summoner appreciation week, and that is temporarily increasing every champion's PI.

    Also, different champions have different base PI, before ranking, signature levels, and boosts. Its just how they are created by the devs. My 5/50 4* Rogue has signature level 59 and a current PI of 6163; my Black Widow 5/50 has a 99 signature level but has a PI of only 6029.
  • Bullfighter77Bullfighter77 Member Posts: 68
    @DNA3000 what masteries would you recommend?
  • JaffacakedJaffacaked Member Posts: 1,415 ★★★★
    @DNA3000 what masteries would you recommend?

    Look on YouTube, there will be some good guides for newer players on what masteries to prioritize an which setups suit your gameplay an level,

    Look for dorky diggety Dave from dork lesson, another good one is Brian grant from, they do great YouTube videos that will help you out a lot
  • GrinderGrinder Member Posts: 242
    edited June 2017
    A large portion of people just use guides for masteries. But if you want to fine tune it specifically to you, you're just gonna have to trial and error everything and see what works best for you over time. But yes, pi, masteries and champ rank are the only factors in rating. Typically a 4* r4 with exceptional masteries will put you over 4k.
  • DNA3000DNA3000 Member, Guardian Posts: 20,454 Guardian
    @DNA3000 what masteries would you recommend?

    Depends on what you want to do. The only reason to shoot for maximum PI is usually arena grinding (because your PI directly affects the amount of points you earn per fight on average). In other parts of the game, you'd want to optimize for other things where your PI rating is not as important.

    As @Jaffacaked said, youtube would be one place to check out. Try:
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