Finally, holy Trinity question and need help.

Anurag1606Anurag1606 Member Posts: 1,189 ★★★
Hello guys and thanking everyone in advance for sharing their opinion and reasons.

I consider myself very unlucky in matters of pulling champs. I had to earn all the champs from 4 star basic arenas in past 8 months or so and this built my profile. I have fortunately a GR 5 star who's at r4 now. I had to earn sparky and blade 4 stars from arenas twice to have a Trinity. Anyways, now 2 days back finally my luck turned 180 degrees and I earned 5 star blade and 5 star sparky in 2 back to back 5 star openings. This must be one of the craziest pull i feel.

Now I have 5 t2a, it takes too long to get more of those.
Shall I r4 5 star blade or sparky? Both unduped. Other r4 option for me is 5 star r3 LC duped. Please share your opinions with reasonings.

Finally, holy Trinity question and need help. 102 votes

5 star blade unduped to r4
Captain_KandiceHaji_SaabDexman1349Jank39Itay1234212AsukiraweavileIcehawklbStoyvensenFingfangfoomfanesHeadrollerAshburnRCunhaD_Ace_71Bruce12342IcsGrecJdub1250CjlocoRasiloveradknight27 36 votes
5 star sparky unduped to r4
HeartlessGriffoplayFrostylozzadudebuffajrRocerGDEVIL69_TonyStarkAppleisgodtj4Vladislas22GAM3RGUY2nd_slingshotVivek_786Cosmic_Ray13nameplasPrimis00Stark78AlfaAvoabbasGrimmbanana 51 votes
5 star LC r3 duped to r4
drgarbonzowitzLordPiyush24Kade7175SolotrixKillerkatana13FhfjghhggggjfhfjgAnthinhoWelderofortune 8 votes
Wait for dupe on blade or sparky
Austin555555BrooklynZombieBlacksparkSt333lllCrooked_Sprook1 5 votes
Wait for other champs.
watchingyousleeXxOriginalxX 2 votes


  • Dexman1349Dexman1349 Member Posts: 3,060 ★★★★★
    5 star blade unduped to r4
    Blade is a beast at R4, even unduped. No regrets at all. Spark can stay at R3 with no issues. R4 him next
  • FingfangfoomfanesFingfangfoomfanes Member Posts: 1,102 ★★★
    5 star blade unduped to r4
    For me, blade or sparky to r4. Depends on your play style. I am more confident with blade. Some players rock the game with sparky. It will depend on which champ suits your style.
  • Anurag1606Anurag1606 Member Posts: 1,189 ★★★
    For me, blade or sparky to r4. Depends on your play style. I am more confident with blade. Some players rock the game with sparky. It will depend on which champ suits your style.

    Since I have both 4 star maxed blade and sparky for a while now along with 5 star GR, I have adapted to play style of both sparky and blade. Although with sparky I feel he is more of boss killer and if I clear lane with him, I am little scared that I might get a hit and even single hit will take out a big chunk of health. With blade I can clear the path and kill boss as well if suitable for him. With 5 star sparky I feel that I will have a big health on him to play freely compared to 4 star version. Both are amazing, but when sparky sparkles then none else can be compared. Blade is more like great for variety of nodes and champs. My thoughts.
  • Anurag1606Anurag1606 Member Posts: 1,189 ★★★
    You need to wait for a better champion, don’t worry, we all go on bad luck streaks getting blade and spark, you’ll get your r4 Netflix daredevil one day! Best of luck!

    I'm not sure if I happen to ruin your day today or you already are having one. Anyways thankyou for the chuckle 😀
  • BahamutBahamut Member Posts: 2,307 ★★★★
    5 star sparky unduped to r4
    I find it hilarious that people are constantly saying that Blade is the best champ in the game but Stark Spider-Man always gets more votes on poles.
  • Anurag1606Anurag1606 Member Posts: 1,189 ★★★
    Please guys along with voting give your reasonings too that will really help me to go forward. Thankyou in advance.
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  • Leo_ruLeo_ru Member Posts: 93
    5 star sparky unduped to r4
    Blade is good but starky will help you out a lot. More than blade. I got all 5* And 4* holly trinity, r5 5* starky and blade, trust me. Go for starky. Much more utility
  • Armaganon00Armaganon00 Member Posts: 741 ★★
    Depends i like stark... i will r5 him over my blade. Reason being stark auto evades, blade heals.... i need my stark to have more health.
  • Dexman1349Dexman1349 Member Posts: 3,060 ★★★★★
    5 star blade unduped to r4
    Blade doesn't heal if he isn't duped. He doesn't need it to be awesome. He doesn't even need to inflict bleed, but it helps.

    Spark has a relatively small health pool. If you aren't good at evading to build up his poise charges, it only takes a few hits and he's dead. If you're good at evading, this is a moot point. And on top of that, if you are good at evading, then Spark will hit as hard as a higher-ranked champ once you get the poise built up. In a way, I put Spark and StarLord in the same category of "need skill to build up damage output without getting hit." In the right hands (or thumbs), they do insane damage. For the rest of us, they're "meh" champs...

    The two things that Spark offer that Blade doesn't are 1) evade and 2) DOT without immunity (shock).

    It does take a bit more practice to develop a good Spark play style. Blade is much more straight-forward.

    Plus, Blade hits extra hard with his Danger Sense if Spark is simply on the team.
  • ŁŤÇŁŤÇ Member Posts: 351 ★★★
    5 star sparky unduped to r4
    I did lol with a 5* rank 4 unduped Stark. It wasn't bad at all. If you can evade in the slightest to build poise, he's your guy. He power controls as well. Can't beat that.

    Not everyone bleeds or is a villain. Everyone is affected from Starks SP2 though.
  • Dexman1349Dexman1349 Member Posts: 3,060 ★★★★★
    5 star blade unduped to r4
    ^^^ Spark's "power control" is not something you can rely on like the other good power controllers. With his heavy attack you can drain 33% (or more?) power, but can only do it once every 30 seconds. So this makes it more of a "bail yourself out of an accidental SP3 push" than any real control.
  • Oswaldo72383Oswaldo72383 Member Posts: 252
    5 star sparky unduped to r4
    The answer is rank 5 ss and rank 4 blade
  • Anurag1606Anurag1606 Member Posts: 1,189 ★★★
    The answer is rank 5 ss and rank 4 blade

    I would really like to r4 both sparky and blade eventually. But with limited resources as of know which 1 1st that's my question. Since I have GR 5 star at r4 , I can get the whole Trinity to r4 eventually.

    At the moment I can explore uncollected with no much fuzz. Want to strengthen myself on war attack and go further on act 5. AQ is not much issue.

    If you can kindly guide me that would be really fantastic. Thankyou.
  • Vivek_786Vivek_786 Member Posts: 217
    5 star sparky unduped to r4
    Go with stark spidy helps to autoevade unblockable attacks and he does kill most of champ efficiently
  • ItsTheBroskiItsTheBroski Member Posts: 492 ★★
    edited July 2018
    5 star sparky unduped to r4
    Stark spidey is more useful throughout. Blade is a god vs villains or mystics. But Stark is a boss for anyone. If you have deep wounds maxed go for blade. if not Spidey. That's what I would do.
  • Zachchuck88Zachchuck88 Member Posts: 33
    5 star sparky unduped to r4
    You need to wait for a better champion, don’t worry, we all go on bad luck streaks getting blade and spark, you’ll get your r4 Netflix daredevil one day! Best of luck!

    So your saying I am a lucky guy!! So happy to pull him :)))))))))))))
  • LittleYinYinLittleYinYin Member Posts: 69
    edited July 2018
    Blade R4 1st. then stark R5 ..

    I have both Stark and Blade R5 .

    Stark R5 make the content easy .

    But blade better dupped cause save a lot potion .
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