New minis way to hard or just me?

I don’t consider myself a scrub by any means nor anyone in my alliance but these new mini bosses are tearing us up. We just hit tier 3 also. Is anyone else struggling? I’m wonder if it’s not worth it to throw wars and play at lower levels for boss kills for more points because it doesn’t look like the alliance we’re fighting will drop a boss nor us.
I do NOT agree with kabam’s sentiments that the map needed to be harder. But Kabam wants to sell more units/potions and make more money and Kabam makes the rules.
Working as intended.
You may just find playing in the upper tiers isn't what it's cracked up to be, although that's where the biggest rewards are.
I suggest you play in an alliance where you can enjoy the game and not feel so stressed that you have to clear your lane at all costs. Everyone is different and has different expectations of a video game.
No more easy paths ;all 30 members need to be skilled
Force attacker diversity ;no more full trinity teams
Increase item use for most of the player base
Not sure if the attack increases work with Limbo but i ended up taking 575 to 1,000 limbo damage