Why does everyone recruiting focus on war?

Hi I am a very active player not a boss killing superstar by any stretch but I can clear paths in AQ map 5 with no problems, with that said I'm looking to join a team that is focused on AQ map 5x5 preferably but every team I see recruiting seems to be focused on war ? I have no inclination to play war ever again the rewards vs cost is a joke and the way teams push you to spend to get boss kills even when the war is obviously lost makes zero sense to me. So is there a team out there that doesn't make war a priority my in-game name is the same as here Chadhogan hit me up


  • ContestOfNoobsContestOfNoobs Member Posts: 2,131 ★★★★★
    edited July 2018
    alliance war seasons that's why. i hardly die in war so the cost for people dieing and getting hit over and over could steer people away due to people being unskilled and dieing and using potions in war..i use my glory if anything for potions.

    everyone In plat 3,2,1 and masters are chasing endgame rewards. Those t5b has everyone trying to recruit people, especially people that are skilled. so if someone isn't skilled in war dies over and over. then maybe its just to hard for them and they are likely to be kicked for not being skiled. a lot of alliance want people who can play and peform in aw, map 5v5 aq is easy and doesn't compared to what aw brings, season rewards and skill wise.

    aq hasn't been updated in a long time, but they are revamping it where it could make everyone focus on it again.

    if u know anything about prestige, people also chase that and theres people who have 3 r5 5* and prestige being a factor will make top allainces focus on getting top rewards. Having 3/2 r5 5* is a huge way to getting into a top alliance.

    My alliance prestige is so high we do map 5x5 and easily placed on top 100 of aq but if everyone in my alliance has a 3x 5* r5 then we will get a huge boost in prestige being top aq by only doing map5, and when new aq rewards come out. we will have a good chance in trying to place top 20,50,100 depending if u can upwards to map 6x5.

    But right now the rewards are not worth it,especially map 6 to us. But like I said Aq is being revamped with better rewards, and people will chase for the top aq rewards, especially since those who place high get rewards garanteed "chunks" of t2alpha shard. So people can earn more t2a shards, another end game material people will chase for.
  • ChadhoganChadhogan Member Posts: 463 ★★★
    Yeah the rewards for the platinum teirs for seasons are great but Ive been in gold 2 and the rewards there are less than I can grind out of arena in a week and that costs me zero resources and my questing champs are not tied up for a day.
    But even there when we got matchups that we're impossible to win the push to get boss kills was still there? I think people get delusional about the massive gap between the gold teirs and platinum the gulf is wide.
    That's the reason I'm not interested in war my prestige is just under 6k and I'm not an endgame player but I really like playing and I feel like because I see the rewards for war in the mid teirs as nothing special I need to play without an alliance. Maybe I'm just crazy but a guy can dream 🤣
  • VeeTeeTeeVeeTeeTee Member Posts: 72
    that's the reason I left my gold 2 alliance and went back to my old one, where the focus on war is lower... the alliance is rebuilding, currently doing map 3 all week and runs only on BG for war. I was also interested in map 5x5 AQ alliance, but it seems there isn't one that would only focus on that... as a result, because I don't believe such an alliance even exists, I decided to either leave alliance completely or just go to one that will not make me grind all the time. with my current alliance I get the alliance rewards for alliance events etc, plus some glory for lower tier AQ and I feel happy about it... I am still progressing in the game thanks to single player content, for which I now have all the time I need.
    if you are interested, you may join the team. My alliance's tag is USA-X
    the atmosphere is great there, and like I said, AW is optional, AQ is only map 3 though with aims to move higher at some point...
  • Mr_PlatypusMr_Platypus Member Posts: 2,779 ★★★★★
    Because the boss kill is worth pretty much half of that battlegroups points most likely lol.
  • ContestOfNoobsContestOfNoobs Member Posts: 2,131 ★★★★★
    @Chadhogan that's why gaps in gold are massive there can be full 30 to even 1 person who has extremely strong roster be in a chill/low tier alliance. You just have to know what wars u can and cannot win. Also going on a win streak will also pair u with stronger opponents. my alliance has a war rating of 3000+ but if we "all" decided to make a new alliance. we would start with a war rating of 0 and destroy everyone. But again rewards there isn't worth it to our level. I know plenty of people who are in a low/relax aw allainces having a break from aw.

    Up in plat+ allainces people need to 100% everything in the map and alliance with less deaths/mistakes ofcourse wins. that's when deaths in war matter. Had plenty of times when war was decided both allainces 100% the map but we won/loss because of 1 death, I even had ties before. Heartbreaking when u can win the match if 1 less person had a death. We had wars with less than 10,15,20 deaths people do go crazy everytime someone gives up a death.
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