Gwenpool or Moon Knight (not as simple as this though)

So I'm wondering whether to use 5* Gwenpool or 4* Moon Knight on my team. The answer seems pretty simple: Gwenpool. But let me elaborate.
I've come to the conclusion that I shouldn't rank up any of my 5*'s past rank 1 for now (still a relatively new player), as it simply costs too much to do so. 4*'s, on the other hand, require less materials to get to rank 4 that 5*'s do to get to rank 2. So I was thinking that Moon Knight can get to 3000+ HR while Gwenpool only gets to 2500+ HR, assuming that Moon Knight goes to R4 and is max level, and Gwenpool is R1 max level. Moon Knight would also be easier to dupe.
I just rolled both of them yesterday, and they are my only truly decent skill champs (my only other 4* skill is Winter Soldier, no 5* skills before this).
I've come to the conclusion that I shouldn't rank up any of my 5*'s past rank 1 for now (still a relatively new player), as it simply costs too much to do so. 4*'s, on the other hand, require less materials to get to rank 4 that 5*'s do to get to rank 2. So I was thinking that Moon Knight can get to 3000+ HR while Gwenpool only gets to 2500+ HR, assuming that Moon Knight goes to R4 and is max level, and Gwenpool is R1 max level. Moon Knight would also be easier to dupe.
I just rolled both of them yesterday, and they are my only truly decent skill champs (my only other 4* skill is Winter Soldier, no 5* skills before this).
Gwenpool or Moon Knight (not as simple as this though) 44 votes
GP is really pretty good without being Awakened; and can do a lot of damage. She's probably your best choice; and is one of the top skill champions overall.
As a four star option, if you want to take someone to 4/40 (for a bit of fun, or for points in Level Up events), I'd actually take up your Winter Soldier over Moon Knight. MK looks cooler, and has a great animation; but WS is more effective at dealing damage. Both have Sigs that reduce enemy power; both cause bleed, but WS is effective all the time, even against bleed immune champions, whilst MK really only gets properly effective during the full moon.