R5 5*... Who?

If you guys were in my shoes... what would be the best future R5 option?
If you guys can, explain why please
it will help me LOADS!
If you guys can, explain why please

R5 5*... Who? 32 votes
I kinda understand not using a Generic on GR... but you don’t see AA worth generic?
Who would you consider more worthy of the Generic? @Purveyor & @ChosenOne94
Blade, spark, domino. Possibly one of the newer champs like Proxima midnight. I’m not one that gets them when they’re brand new. So I can’t say for sure. But to me a rank 5 champ needs to be versatile. Archangel really isn’t. He is OP for some fights. But also worthless for others.
AA is very useful in clearing parts of act 5 and can be useful in events. But the game is certainly moving in a direction that he (and most other champs) are becoming obsolete.
They really need to run a 5* SW arena or 5 OR bring back pre-12.0 witch.