AI Cheating

I'm getting sick and tired of the blatant AI cheating coded into this game. As a 20+ year professional in the technology, I know the difference between randomness and purposefully coded tendencies.
This game has a lot of potential and promise. However, it also has a lot of cheating built in by the ownership. Cheating that disrespects every customer. Coding the AI to have speed and abilities beyond the player is blatant cheating, and theft when you consider charging for healing from that cheating.
Having the AI being simply better than the player is one thing. But I've handed over control to the AI and seen how horribly it handles a fight, completely in contrary to how it strategizes when it is the opponent. This proves the cheating coded into the game. If it wasn't cheating, AI strategy would be identical when used by the player. The fact that it acts completely differently proves the AI is coded to cheat when opposing the player.
Why would anyone ever spend money on a game they know cheats against them?
This game has a lot of potential and promise. However, it also has a lot of cheating built in by the ownership. Cheating that disrespects every customer. Coding the AI to have speed and abilities beyond the player is blatant cheating, and theft when you consider charging for healing from that cheating.
Having the AI being simply better than the player is one thing. But I've handed over control to the AI and seen how horribly it handles a fight, completely in contrary to how it strategizes when it is the opponent. This proves the cheating coded into the game. If it wasn't cheating, AI strategy would be identical when used by the player. The fact that it acts completely differently proves the AI is coded to cheat when opposing the player.
Why would anyone ever spend money on a game they know cheats against them?
Ill try to put it simply; pretend AI is a character creation sliding bar. The farther to one side the dumber the AI, the farther to the other side the smarter the AI. Kabam uses this to change the intelligence of its AI as you get deeper into the game that way it remains challenging, while also not punishing new players with impossibly smart AI. It just so happens auto fight gets slid to the dumbest possible AI, and that's intentional. You aren't suppose to use auto fight to do content you cant do yourself, it's a convenience feature for areas of the game you know you are so superior over that its not even worth your attention.