Anyone with LoL Legendary Title Experience?

Hey guys,
I need a little help. I cleared 100% of LoL eight days ago. My understanding was that after some time, 3 to 7 days, you would get a reward message with the Legendary title.
When I didn't get it after a few days, I figured the easiest solution was to send in a support ticket. This is the response I got:
Thank you for contacting Kabam Support.
Congratulations on your completion of the Labyrinth of Legends! I can understand your frustration in not receiving the Legends Title and I am happy to explain this. The Legends program rewards players that are the first to complete exceptionally difficult content. Due to this the Legends Title is not automatic. Our Game Team will review the data of the game and bestow Titles accordingly.
You can learn more about this in our Knowledge Base at the following link:
I hope this addresses your concerns. Please let me know if I can help out with anything else.
I read the email, and studied the link. I became further confused with the flrefwrnce to Legendary Points, and whether titles were still granted for all who complete LoL without cheating. So, I responded and asked if titles were still granted for 100% completion of LoL, and got the same answer again.
Can anyone explain their experience? It sounds like they are reviewing my data, which is cool. Are they just checking to see if I used hacks or mods, if so great. Or are they checking to see if I've earned enough Legendary Points to qualify for a title (whatever that means)? Are Legendary titles still applicable to 100% LoL completion?
The support answer language is vague and confusing to me.
I need a little help. I cleared 100% of LoL eight days ago. My understanding was that after some time, 3 to 7 days, you would get a reward message with the Legendary title.
When I didn't get it after a few days, I figured the easiest solution was to send in a support ticket. This is the response I got:
Thank you for contacting Kabam Support.
Congratulations on your completion of the Labyrinth of Legends! I can understand your frustration in not receiving the Legends Title and I am happy to explain this. The Legends program rewards players that are the first to complete exceptionally difficult content. Due to this the Legends Title is not automatic. Our Game Team will review the data of the game and bestow Titles accordingly.
You can learn more about this in our Knowledge Base at the following link:
I hope this addresses your concerns. Please let me know if I can help out with anything else.
I read the email, and studied the link. I became further confused with the flrefwrnce to Legendary Points, and whether titles were still granted for all who complete LoL without cheating. So, I responded and asked if titles were still granted for 100% completion of LoL, and got the same answer again.
Can anyone explain their experience? It sounds like they are reviewing my data, which is cool. Are they just checking to see if I used hacks or mods, if so great. Or are they checking to see if I've earned enough Legendary Points to qualify for a title (whatever that means)? Are Legendary titles still applicable to 100% LoL completion?
The support answer language is vague and confusing to me.
You mean in-game. Yeah, I don't rank, despite the accomplishment.
A lot of people are completing it now so it's probably just taking time to review.
You skipped over no more heroes post. U won't get it.
Sorry, DReckoning I don't follow. Can you explain?
Only the first 300 players who completed LoL 100% get the legend title. The last 300 finished around May. It's July now.
The above link states:
Who will become a Legend?
Players who are the first to complete content. For example, players that completed 100% Exploration of Act 4 (all Chapters) in the Labyrinth of Legends when it was released received the following in addition to their Legends Title:
Top 5: 4x T2 Alpha Catalysts.
6-100: 2x T2 Alpha Catalysts.
Top 20: Thanos
Top 100: Kang
All received Legends Points
I'm trying to understand what I get from:
All received Legends Points.
Also, it says " addition to their Legends Title", as if it is a given. It mentions nothing of any limit/cap.
Labyrinth Legends Prizes:
The first 20 to 100% complete the Labyrinth will get a duped 4* Thanos (2x 4-Star Thanos).
The first 300 to 100% complete the Labyrinth will earn a Legends title.
The first 300 to 100% complete the Labyrinth will also get a 4* Kang.
The first 300 will also get Legends points, as detailed in the Legends Leaderboard section below.
Thanks for clearing that up for me. I wish Kabam support could have answered my question as clearly as you did.
No problem. Grats on 100%ing LoL though.
There is no way I would have dropped all that cash if I understood I wasn't getting a Legend Title. I bought 20+ Odins to clear.
Hopefully this post at least lets others who might be considering all 7 paths better understand that the rewards on the support page differ from the above post you provided.
Hopefully Kabam will transfer the information from this forum post info to the FAQ page/official page and support responses.
I know, but I wanted the Classic Ultron trophy, the T2AC and the Legendary Title... so it made sense to kill them all in one shot. But yes, absolutely, in hindsight, that was the way to go.
I could have cleared LoL later on if I realized the rewards were fixed, without the Legendary Title, going forward.
The problem is the conflicting data on LoL Legendary Titles from the various explanations across the official sites/forums.
Re previous question about Legends Ranking... it looks like anyone with Legends Points has a Legends Title.
That also looks to be more than 300 LoL Legendary Titles and the Monthly Events... I'm still holding out hope that I can qualify.
How long ago?
For those of us with families, this was likely our only shot at a title. I don't get 4 hours alone to play monthly events on Kabam's schedule.
LoL should have offered players an ongoing opportunity to complete for a Legendary Title at thier leisure. Which, but many of the contents various description, wrongly appeared to be the case.
You paid more than 2k to get that title and you earned it!
First, Legend tags are not for "leisure" players. Don't expect them to ever give one out just for completing something at your own pace. It would greatly diminish the "perceived value" of a Legend.
Second, he didn't earn a Legend title. He was not part of the first 300, he missed it by a couple months. It would have been a good idea to do some research before spending all that money for a challenge that had already expired.
Tough luck man, but do your homework next time. As far as free time, you could take a run at the web-slinger challenge for Legend title. Only takes about an hour to complete.
That Nebula...why not awaken her instead of Ultron?
It's always been obvious that only the top 300 would get legends titles. Maybe next time do a little research before you start sending tickets and wasting peoples time.
Emotional choice. It's a game, and as a comic fan I love Ultron, so it was an easy choice when the question was: Who will be more fun for me to play?
It's like Vader in a Star Wars game, who cares if he sucks... he's Vader.