Yondu 6 star...

Oswaldo72383Oswaldo72383 Member Posts: 252
Offense or d? Go!


  • StarDarts_89StarDarts_89 Member Posts: 419 ★★
    Mostly Defense. Unless you need a heal blocker, and you don't have AA.
  • SixateSixate Member Posts: 62
    And I get put into time out lol.
  • Oswaldo72383Oswaldo72383 Member Posts: 252
    Yondu does heal block so 1 so does wreck new heal nodes
  • Dexman1349Dexman1349 Member Posts: 3,060 ★★★★★
    I use him on both. He's usually on defense when war is going, but then in quests during placement phase. He was really good for the Goldpool events last month as a partner to my 4* AA.

    To be honest, at the upper-tier wars he isn't really good on defense. The good players know how to beat him fairly easily. Only really logs a KO if the opponent makes a mistake (rarely). I'm lucky to see one KO per week with him.

    Good bleed, reliable heal block, and he will armor break if the champ is bleed immune (except Infinity War Iron Man), but the part that makes him good is the fact that he's a 6* champ and simply has a high health pool and attack.

    One of the better 6* options when they were first added to the game. Even after the new ones were added, he's still above average.
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