Trying to Decide... Rank up

King_L0kiB34rKing_L0kiB34r Member Posts: 218
So these three are the ones I want to build up... I have a pretty extensive 5* roster so I can pretty much rank who I want.

All are 5* and will be taking them up to Rank 4. Trying to decide where I should spend my T2 Alphas first. I do have WS for the Killmonger synergy as well.

Trying to Decide... Rank up 34 votes

Morningstar Unduped
jlamadison 1 vote
Killmonger Unduped
DaMunkStefanjonesSIlverProfessorHeraldofNoneAnurag1606ucipFoxhero007buttersIcsGrecCrimsontide1616LittleYinYindfmoore26Austin555555Ch1efstershadow_lurker22Starkiller_KE2_0PedritkoPaytoPlayspaceoctopusV1PER1987 25 votes
Gladiator Hulk Unduped
RaganatorSaiyanCoors_ltRacs0Fishman13579silvestreray7ramirezFhfjghhggggjfhfjg 8 votes


  • King_L0kiB34rKing_L0kiB34r Member Posts: 218
    Any particular reason on KillMonger?
  • SaiyanSaiyan Member Posts: 730 ★★★★
    Gladiator Hulk Unduped
    You got some great choices. I have both MS and Gulk (not Kill) and I would say Gulk as even without fighting champs that trigger Face Me, he's still amazing with the poison immune and oh so useful SP1 heal block (Masochism and Buffet especially). MS is my Ace for AQ and AW if there's someone like a Medusa that needs killing as a final boss.

    Kill also kills Medusa and other auto block enemies (tho getting the True Strike vs IMIW is harder as counter attacking him is harder).

    .You can't go wrong either way.
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