Price of the third purchase of T4B fragments in Glory store

I bought 2 fragments and the price was much lower than it used to be. If I want make a third purchase, it goes for 578 glory. That is a huge jump up from the amount it cost me for the second purchase. Also, the third purchase used to cost 540 so why has the price increased in this instance when glory prices are now supposed to be decreased?
I've even made comments about it but they are 'waiting for approval'.
Anyways, T4BC prices are increased in the new Glory Store. Just the first complete T4BC is cheaper to buy as compared to the early cost, but after that every instance of purchasing T4BC will be more expensive than before.
I personally do NOT like this decision. The higher amount of gllry rewarded would be nullified if they have increased the cost of buying something that every mid level player purchases a lot.
Can anybody check if the t1a consecutive prices also increased as well?
Kabam's mentality is too insecure