Burned out

I never was much of a arena player did it a few times and got sick of it. Recently I did it, got the champ and now I'm just completely burned out of the game. I usually use my engery on story mode etc everyday, for the past week I have not been able to use it. AQ and AW feel like such a chore and I'm lacking on those too now. Any advice on what to do in this situation to make things go back to normal?
It's not really about champs for me anymore screw arena now, I was hoping for advice on how to get back in to the game. I'm sure lots of other people have gotten burned out and found some way to get back in it.
House targaryen ign brandonmballou@
This happens to me every few months. I just cut the time i spend in it until i feel the need again.
This means stopping doing stuff. Sometimes it requires being without an alliance (being in a relaxed alliance will never truly satisfy you as AQ requires you to stay awake even when you just want to go to bed).
You can cut arenas easily. You can decide to do less quests a month as well, but those are poorly designed and they make you do heroic even of you don't need to. Uncollected is worth your time (but master is very tempting as well).
I think, cutting down on arenas is usually the best, but if you really want to recover fast, go solo. In less than a month you will be back. Alliances have been killing this game for a while.
Thanks for letting us know. 🙄
I stopped arena after a week of grinding for Sparky and at the same time left my map 5x5 alliance. Took a couple weeks off and just logged in for the daily free calendar rewards since I planned to come back.
When I did, I joined an easy going map 3 alliance. We always complete AQ and focus on war... it’s way more fun and less stressful and we’re happy being tier 2 gold and can basically hang here even with some losses. Plus no grinding, because there’s no donations.
I still rarely do arena but find that I still get enough gold (mostly) from events and hitting the 3 low milestones in arena, if I decide to do it all. Personally, arena is the armpit of this game with so much repetition it is just mind numbing and takes away from the fun. I just did it for Void and will probably avoid arena for several months again as a result.
Basically, do the parts that make it fun. Avoid the daily grind if you need to. Take a break and come back as well and if it still isn’t fun, find something else that is instead.
You're welcome.
As DTMelodicMetal said Join an alliance with people who want to have fun, i got to where you were and the only thing that made me log in everyday were the people i play with, the chats more than the game. the game was something to do while we chatted joked and had fun. i was lucky though i never got into a "serious" alliance where all you cared about was the game and AQ and war and donations.
Take a month or two off from the game and play every now and then during those months. In the end you go up a few mil in gold and when you miss the game you come back.
Actually you're becoming normal. So be happy.. when it happened to me, I uninstalled it. Then started again after 3 weeks.
Excitement comes from 2 things...getting new champs and maxing the ones u like..both are incredibly slow and difficult