Alliance name: Bomb Squad Mafia
Hello! We are a very active alliance who is about to clean house on some inactive players and of course will want to fill those empty slots with new fighters.
We have approximately 6 spots open for now. So if you would like to join and bring some friends, you are more than welcome to. In my alliance, there are a few of us who know each other aside from the game.
My username is the same as in here. If you would like to join, add me!
Hello! We are a very active alliance who is about to clean house on some inactive players and of course will want to fill those empty slots with new fighters.
We have approximately 6 spots open for now. So if you would like to join and bring some friends, you are more than welcome to. In my alliance, there are a few of us who know each other aside from the game.
My username is the same as in here. If you would like to join, add me!