Can't get in goldpool arena [Merged Threads]

The in game message said if you were in the goldpool arena the first come but didn't get top 200, you could get in this time without a ticket. Well I go to enter and it says I need a ticket. Why is that @Kabam Miike
If you are eligible to enter the Goldpool arena you will see it as an available arena for you today. If you saw the error earlier today related to asking for a ticket to enter, it has now been resolved and you can enter without the ticket. Please try again.
Reminder, you are only eligible if you entered the original Goldpool arena, and were not one of the top 200 last time.
If you are eligible to enter the Goldpool arena you will see it as an available arena for you today. If you saw the error earlier today related to asking for a ticket to enter, it has now been resolved and you can enter without the ticket. Please try again.
Reminder, you are only eligible if you entered the original Goldpool arena, and were not one of the top 200 last time.
Post edited by Kabam Lyra on
@Kabam Lyra
I don't think it has to do if you sold the ticket or not. From the message it seems more if you tried to play the arena then you will get to play it again. If you never entered it or played it then you probably get nothing except the chance to sell the ticket for some gold.
It’s possible someone wanted to start the arena late and after the downtime figured it would be smarter to hold on to the ticket, since there was no chance in hell they’d make anything anymore.
I held my ticket due to the outage and also due to wondering if it was just better to cash it in for gold. I started Saturday and hit one million within hours. If I had wanted to push to 5 million I easily could have.
Could you have gotten enough points for Goldpool?
Yes, but I was satisfied with the title and other sparse milestone rewards instead of an unduped 5* trophy.
Goldpool went for like... 15mil on cutoff. So yeah, he probably could have.
No, they should not. To be honest, they could even lock everybody out that didn't enter before the downtime and it would still be somewhat fair.
the same chance everyone else gets ·
Just to be clear...if you had know that a special arena was going to be run for a second time due to an unprecedented event when an update was putting player's hardware at risk when playing for more that 10 minutes you would have squeezed in a few rounds?
I say, if you had known that was going to happen you should spend more time at the pony track.
But isnt the point of a rerun to give the players a chance who were effected by the downtime? Saying you could get 15 mil from saturday-sunday isnt right, because no one knew the cutoff ahead of time. Its if the time from saturday to sunday affected you from seriously grinding, and most people I know wouldnt go into saturday thinking theyd get him. Knowing the cutoff, sure you could get to 15 mil. But no one thought he was going for 15.
People are upset they didnt grind for him because the score was so low. All because they didnt think they could get him
Definition of fair chance:
the same chance everyone else gets ·
That's not the definition of fair chance. Fair and the same aren't the same.
Let's look at nature disasters for a second. Let's say a whole city is in ruins due to it and they get free help rebuilding their houses. Now everybody in this city, no matter the state of their house prior to the disaster, get's a new house. People from all across the world send money to make this happen. However the people in a nearby city that burned their house down when forgetting to turn off the gas, those are on their own. Is this fair? Or should that guy that burned his own house down get the same help that the people from the nature disaster get? Is it fair that people that burned their own house down, but lived in the area destroyed by whatever nature disaster you can think of get help?
Now tell me please, when is the solution here fair?
If you were going for goldpool, and your run was interrupted, youll get access again. Its only fair.