Case for retrial for some beta test exploiters

Some posts on reddit surfaced that some spending players read the "Beta testers aren't charged for this in-App purchase, and it will only be available during testing."
They admit they were wrong to recharge <$800 once they found out the purchases appeared to affect their main account. I think for some cases they should be allowed a different ban decision. Of course that decision falls upon Kabam. I just want to encourage a second look.
They admit they were wrong to recharge <$800 once they found out the purchases appeared to affect their main account. I think for some cases they should be allowed a different ban decision. Of course that decision falls upon Kabam. I just want to encourage a second look.
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That's true.. I guess I was sympathizing with/giving the benefit of the doubt to the supposedly didn't recharge that many times people who claim to have gotten permanently banned.
Either way, I do like that there's now a permaban in place so cheaters will think twice.
Having said that, I'm glad I didn't buy anything while in the Beta. Lol.
Taking away all the items purchased/attained with the units makes sense, sure. But permanently banning someone because you (Kabam) worded the message poorly and without giving players guidance is not fair. That’s the company’s fault for not doing their due diligence before releasing the beta test.
Well there should be a responsibility of the player to report the case promptly. While I do agree with a permanent ban being a little harsh considering the other exploited material of past not giving harsher punishments compared to this situation.
Yes, they could have reported it. But assuming the reddit is accurate - why were free units an option for testers? And why would testers assume they weren’t meant to use them to test content?
I agree that some should be punished ($45k in units ridiculous). But a ban is also ridiculous when Kabam is at least as culpable as the test exploiters. Roll back their accounts, suspend them a week or two, that makes sense.
It would if Kabam had told them that the free units were part of the test environment but should not be purchased. And that abuse of the units would result in x, y, and z.
I just have the reddit thread to go on, but since it sounds like that didn’t happen. No. I don’t think it warrants a ban.
You have people of all ages and mental capacities playing this game and probably acting as testers - why should they be punished so severely for the company they’re helping for free not being clear about something?
Edit: just to clarify - I do think the big exploiters should be punished. But I also think a ban is over the top if the circumstances we’ve been presented are accurate.
As to which beta, they clearly state it’s for the overheating fix.
And yeah, I get units weren’t necessary - but they were there as a free option. Why were they included? And if they weren’t meant to be used, why wasn’t that made clear?
Yes because a simple profile pic change makes people think "woah I don't wanna flag this guy"
No way a company cares about their profit.... What a shocker
So if you volunteered to help fix something for my store, you think it's okay to help yourself to the cash register?? Nope. PermaBan was absolutely appropriate!
That was my point. We agree. I didnt realize it was from the Patch. Kind of makes it even worse in my mind.
I’ll beta test for $45k. Where do I sign up?
Actually that's a pretty good idea. Allows an avenue for people that had not exploited it on a big scale (maybe made a mistake or thought it would be funny) to take a punishment and get back to playing their account which they may have spent money on in the past. Kabam brought up $45k as an example but they didn't say what thresholds they used to perm ban players.
Given that the message was pretty ambiguous - "... will only be available during testing" - i can see many honest players thinking that it will just be rolled back when the beta ends.
a beta is per definition something you should find bugs, and a interaction with the live server is a major bug. if you fail to report it you didnt do your job, and if you exploit the 'trust' set into you by buying even more then the permaban is justified in my opinion.
anyone buying one (or maybe 2-3) and reporting the bug however did what they should, should get rolled back to normal and of course be free of any punishment.
I agree, they should be banned. But, their offense was way less than the fraud units scam. That involved actual stolen money which was a crime. These are digital items not paid for so no one was stolen from. Fraud units got a 1 week ban basically because kabam still got paid for the units, in this case kabam did not get paid.