Questions about using future mastery points

Hi all,this is my present mastery setup and I am thinking about how to approach it for future points that I will get..I am yet to fully complete any chapter of act 4 and am lvl 48 so I got some 16 points that I am yet to get.
I plan to take my 4* x23 to r5 and other than that I got a few other top bleed champs in blade,gp(both 5*),wolverine,Hawkeye(4/40 4* both unduped).
My aq team is-medusa,x23,quake( for map 4 and lower)(I use medusa,x23,blade for map5)
My aw team is- SL(Sig 20),blade,gp/void(Sig 35)
Since I plan to r5 x23,I am thinking on adding a point in recovery to improve her regen.and I don't want to remove points from limber cuz it has saved me quite a few times.
Help will be greatly appreciated
Or should I bring blade(unduped 2/35),SL and gp(unduped 2/35) along with x23 and void and go all in without any specific synergy team and forget about inequity
Here are my masteries: