Should Kabam allow the community to pick the next 24 heroes for the 5* feature hero crystal ?

I’d say yes and call it the community choice 5 star crystal. Come on Kabam, do us some justice.
Should Kabam allow the community to pick the next 24 heroes for the 5* feature hero crystal ? 66 votes
31 votes
35 votes
The game is even more boring when u pull ironpatriot 5x in a row
For a one off 4*, sure. But a recurrent 5* crystal? Don’t think it’s a good idea.
The new odds are already pretty good.
It's annoying when you pull iron Patriot 3x and that is speaking from experience
To a degree tiers are subjective, but not really. There are certain champs that perform better than others and will have a general consensus about where they fall into the tiers. Maybe you deem AA average, but the community as a whole would say he’s at least demigod. There’s a general agreement the community would be able to reach tier-wise.
Not every If they are only letting us pick one. I wouldn’t even opppse tier limitations.