Odds for a Featured 5 star

Okay, think of the most recent Featured 5 star crystal you've opened. I'm doing a bit of research on the odds of getting the Featured champ. I'm debating on whether to go for it or not. Anyway, just say whether you got the featured champ or not. If you haven't purchased a Featured 5 star crystal, please don't vote as this could help everyone out on this decision.
Odds for a Featured 5 star 46 votes
Others: probably less
But I also bought a 5 star Karnak crystal in the past, and never got him. Got Ant-man instead.
0/2 on Ghost Rider
0/3 Archangel
0/4 Nebula
0/3 Carnage
that being said, go for it if you really want that champ, but be prepared for disappointment....it hurts a little less, kinda lol
Anyways, I'm 2 for 13. In my alliance, it seems like a 20% rate of success.
I said most recent in an attempt to narrow it down to one attempt.
I know that. I'm not an idiot. The odds aren't plastered anywhere, so I'm trying to get a rough guideline of the odds. If there was a 50% chance, I'd want to go for it. If there was a 1% chance, I wouldn't want to go for it. I'm not saying I'll succeed just because someone else did, but I'm trying to find some idea of the drop rates.
That is still problematic. For example, I opened them until I hit an Archangel and then stopped, because I had an awakening gem. Since people usually stop opening features once they get what they want, "most recent" isn't a good way to get to the number you're looking for.
Eh, whatever. Thanks for that input, but I think I made my decision. I'll try to come up with a better way in the future, but I'm done this time.
we have a guy 4 for 6...another 5 for 18...2 for 3...0 for 15