How do the legends complete master and heroic so fast?

WilsonsrevengeWilsonsrevenge Member Posts: 19
Want to no the tricks to getting through heroic and master under 5hrs? Took me a week to complete heroic waiting for energy to refill. So what do I need to do to compete. And I am not spending money on units to buy the energy refills.


  • Eb0ny-O-M4wEb0ny-O-M4w Member Posts: 14,159 ★★★★★
    Thats why ...
    You need an iPhone, and you need to buy refills
  • PantherusNZPantherusNZ Member Posts: 2,333 ★★★★★
    a) Have a modern iPhone - this is critical due to loading times
    2) Have a very good damage-dealing champion for the quests - anyone who can unleash a lot of damage very quickly and reliably - as well as a support team for synergy (usually the mutant crit team) as well as possibly a support fighter to get around immunities, power, etc, if required.
    d) Spend the units on constant energy refills as well as potions
  • WilsonsrevengeWilsonsrevenge Member Posts: 19
    So spend money on new phone and on the game? I guess I will have to figure out the poor man's way of doing it. Lol
  • WilsonsrevengeWilsonsrevenge Member Posts: 19
    And is there a place other than the game I can go to see were I rank exactly out of everyone in the game. All the game shows is a dash no number.
  • WilsonsrevengeWilsonsrevenge Member Posts: 19
    I figured that but does not mean I don't have a number to go off of unless kabam is to lazy to keep track. Gives me a little more motivation to see myself climb. I know once I get there the dash will change to a number. But I want to see the progress.
  • StanLeeTheGodStanLeeTheGod Member Posts: 21
    @Wilsonsrevenge dude there is no poorman way to do it...
    Like ppl told you 1st ylu need a good preferable 5* r4 champ with high base dmg iron fist or magic also drax can do it.
    2nd you need suicide masteries to end every fight before you or him can get L1
    3rd you need energy refils for the whole quest (arround 36 refils) here the poorman way is aplicable save 3 months from questing to get em and try 1 run...
    and the last is Iphone couse android loads 6 to 8 seco ds later per fight.
    So sry to breake it for ya but i hope we gave you some valuable info...legend title is not for everyone to have and it requires a lot of effords
  • KoperBoyKoperBoy Member Posts: 210 ★★
    I figured that but does not mean I don't have a number to go off of unless kabam is to lazy to keep track. Gives me a little more motivation to see myself climb. I know once I get there the dash will change to a number. But I want to see the progress.

    What kind of progress do you expect if others are spending units on refills and you aren't?
  • xNigxNig Member Posts: 7,336 ★★★★★
    K1lltastic wrote: »
    "I want to complete the heroic/master quests as fast as the best, but I don't want to put the same amount that they do in. I'm entitled."

  • GunzoGunzo Member Posts: 719 ★★
    Have at least thousands of units for energy refills
    Have an insane 5* damage dealer to solo the quest
    Have free time and do the quest RIGHT AFTER IT STARTS
  • Eos_Nano_XEos_Nano_X Member Posts: 304
    Honest answer?

  • DarkestDestroyerDarkestDestroyer Member Posts: 2,888 ★★★★★
    iPhone 7
  • SlySlySlySly Member Posts: 352 ★★
    - Newer gen iPhone
    - Respec to suicides
    - Damage dealing team with at least 1 5* (crit synergy is a plus)
    - Lots of units for refills
    - 4-4.5h free time

    If all else fails, spend spend spend.
  • BCdiscmanBCdiscman Member Posts: 348
    The sad thing is that KABAM is aware/has always been aware of the advantage that their game gives to iPhone users but has never done anything to put Android users on a level playing field. iPhones are not inherently faster in general just in this game. Why they won't fix this for Android users is unfair but that is apparently unimportant to them.
  • GunzoGunzo Member Posts: 719 ★★
    xNig wrote: »
    Gunzo wrote: »
    Have at least thousands of units for energy refills
    Have an insane 5* damage dealer to solo the quest
    Have free time and do the quest RIGHT AFTER IT STARTS

    You've never done a Legends run before right?

    Of course not!I was just saying only 10% the requirements because I didn't have enough time
  • LegendsForgedLegendsForged Member Posts: 364
    BCdiscman wrote: »
    The sad thing is that KABAM is aware/has always been aware of the advantage that their game gives to iPhone users but has never done anything to put Android users on a level playing field. iPhones are not inherently faster in general just in this game. Why they won't fix this for Android users is unfair but that is apparently unimportant to them.

    I'm sorry but when i read your post i image strange actually talking behind bars lmao
  • RagamugginGunnerRagamugginGunner Member Posts: 2,210 ★★★★★
    You sound like a friend of mine. "I play like 45 min a day and refuse to spend money, I should be able to progress just like anyone else!"
  • 420down420down Member Posts: 170
    You need a good r4 5*, a good phone and a great wifi connection.
  • WilsonsrevengeWilsonsrevenge Member Posts: 19
    @RagamugginGunner don't play 45min a day I play closer to 6 to 7 hours on work days and at least 10 on non work days. Not making this up my wife calls this game my mistress I am on it so much. I have only been playing for 6 months I was not going to attempt until all the ducks I needed were in a row. Before I can get the ducks in a row I need to know what the ducks are. This is why I asked the question.
  • Salvy4Salvy4 Member Posts: 84
    Would a 4/55 Juggs work? He is good on heroic, but might not hit hard enough for master.
  • StanLeeTheGodStanLeeTheGod Member Posts: 21
    salvy lot of ppl use jugg coise of his unstopable abillities you can try with him
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  • StanLeeTheGodStanLeeTheGod Member Posts: 21
    @CpcBoyboy the run last 5 hrs at max but hey lemme borrow it for a week that sounfs legit
  • ThawnimThawnim Member Posts: 1,461 ★★★★
    I love people who want things but are not willing to spend for them. If it was meant to be easy or cheap then everyone could do it.
  • ShrimkinsShrimkins Member Posts: 1,479 ★★★★
    1000 units is not difficult to acquire without spending.

    When I did my legend run I didn't spend a single dime of real money, just saved up the units by grinding arenas.

  • RaganatorRaganator Member Posts: 2,591 ★★★★★
    Shrimkins wrote: »
    1000 units is not difficult to acquire without spending.

    When I did my legend run I didn't spend a single dime of real money, just saved up the units by grinding arenas.

    Agreed. I don't know how "spending" is required unless you actually go purchase a new device to attempt a legends runs.

  • SpiritSpirit Member Posts: 224
    So spend money on new phone and on the game? I guess I will have to figure out the poor man's way of doing it. Lol

    Unfortunately, there is no "POOR's MAN WAY", yup its 2017 and u have just been KABAMed! :smiley:
  • Mcord11758Mcord11758 Member Posts: 1,249 ★★★★
    Legends titles for quest are meaningless imo. It is just a sign that you either had a large stash of refills or units or are just willing to spend for the title. It is not a sign of skill (most legends are much better than me I am not saying they are not). It would be cool to obtain but I am not willing to invest into it so I don't deserve it
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