Who is the best champ to kill Dr strange in LOL

StrStr Member Posts: 547 ★★
First time through i used more revives on him than pretty much all of the other fights combined. I would greatly appreciate any tips and strategy.

Who is the best champ to kill Dr strange in LOL 45 votes

5* r5 stark enhanced spidey - duped
GamerJaffacakedCapWW2vg2782DropfaithErSandJim0172Duke_SilverHarbinger195TheMarauder53BahamutNamelezAnthinhoTragicBlade2099abqber 16 votes
5* r5 blade - duped
Hulk_77ZENTensioAsukiraAppleisgodSpeedbumpnameplasDean9300450SuperSam57GrimmbearLilMaddogHTRasiloverTheMightyCbluebubble100IsThisLossVampi007 16 votes
5* r4 medussa - duped
Robbo29192 1 vote
5* r4 red hulk - duped
Kil63 1 vote
5* r4 void - duped
heruheru511Dark89PhoenixBruce12342JyotishkaGrootman1294Mitchell35TheSpicyKnightWelderofortuneDoc_ocValBr111 10 votes
5* r4 dr voodoo - duped
Paralyzer 1 vote


  • AppleisgodAppleisgod Member Posts: 1,420 ★★★★
    5* r5 blade - duped
    I used r5 blade with dorm synergy and it wasn't that bad at all
  • Mirage_TurtleMirage_Turtle Member Posts: 1,868 ★★★★
    I used rank 5 Void. I had class advantage and Strange was power locked the whole time. I pinned him to the wall and did a TON of backdraft intercepts.

    While's Void isn't the fastest for this fight, never having to worry about Strange's specials made this a reasonable matchup.

    Just know that a rank 4 Void won't get the extended timer in LOL.
  • StrStr Member Posts: 547 ★★
    Appleisgod wrote: »
    I used r5 blade with dorm synergy and it wasn't that bad at all

    I used that last time then switched to stark spidey as baiting his special attacks wasnt working.

    I wondered if void would stop all of his power gain so you could just go ham on him.
  • StrStr Member Posts: 547 ★★
    I used rank 5 Void. I had class advantage and Strange was power locked the whole time. I pinned him to the wall and did a TON of backdraft intercepts.

    While's Void isn't the fastest for this fight, never having to worry about Strange's specials made this a reasonable matchup.

    Just know that a rank 4 Void won't get the extended timer in LOL.

    Thanks. I was wondering about this. Most other fights were 1-3 revives (4 on maestro) so i'm okay with no oneshot, but i was in double digits on revives for strange. P.s. very jealous of your r5 void.
  • NamelezNamelez Member Posts: 992 ★★★
    5* r5 stark enhanced spidey - duped
    Sparky or Rulk
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  • Austin555555Austin555555 Member Posts: 3,051 ★★★★★
    Magik. Power lock him forever
  • StrStr Member Posts: 547 ★★
    Foxhero007 wrote: »
    any champ can beat Dr. Strange as long you have the skill to do it.

    It was with the fewest deaths. Because when that second enrage timer kicks in you are pretty much dead. i have only seen a handful of people survive more than 30 seconds with it on.
  • GamerGamer Member Posts: 11,514 ★★★★★
    5* r5 stark enhanced spidey - duped
    Spaky Can evade the sp2 kind esay if u not get unlucky. So im say spaky
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