Good luck with that, bro. It's only been a few hours. Find a way to counter him or wait for videos for help. Asking for a nerf is just the weak way of doing things.
In another post you said you had void well you have too be patient with void but he can take care of the healing aspect if you can stay alive for it too kick in.
It might not be your fault that your 5 stars are trash, but it could very well be your fault that you're not getting past this boss yet. Are you parrying? Intercepting? I used to take a lot of block damage before I learned to parry and intercept more.
She wasn't the only one I used. Besides dealing with the lag, the Nodes leave very little room to do much of anything.
12 L1 Revs, and 50 Pots, just to take down one Boss in Master 3.1, there's a bloody problem. It needs toned down.
She wasn't the only one I used. Besides dealing with the lag, the Nodes leave very little room to do much of anything.
12 L1 Revs, and 50 Pots, just to take down one Boss in Master 3.1, there's a bloody problem. It needs toned down.
I ended up having to pummel him with Hulk, Collector-style. Hit, hit, die. Voodoo got smashed. Hyp was toast. I used who I brought.
I get that people want to flex their muscles on these Threads, but it's too far. Not even reasonable. I do Master every month. It shouldn't be that amped up. People can feel free to say it's skill or the right Champs, but I'm saying I really think it needs toned down. Too far.
She wasn't the only one I used. Besides dealing with the lag, the Nodes leave very little room to do much of anything.
12 L1 Revs, and 50 Pots, just to take down one Boss in Master 3.1, there's a bloody problem. It needs toned down.
I ended up having to pummel him with Hulk, Collector-style. Hit, hit, die. Voodoo got smashed. Hyp was toast. I used who I brought.
I get that people want to flex their muscles on these Threads, but it's too far. Not even reasonable. I do Master every month. It shouldn't be that amped up. People can feel free to say it's skill or the right Champs, but I'm saying I really think it needs toned down. Too far.
She wasn't the only one I used. Besides dealing with the lag, the Nodes leave very little room to do much of anything.
12 L1 Revs, and 50 Pots, just to take down one Boss in Master 3.1, there's a bloody problem. It needs toned down.
Who else did you try?
I know you normally do Master every month, and most times get through it fairly easily. So I know you have the skills for it. That's why I was saying it's probably more of a roster issue than anything. Bet if you go back with some different champs, you'd beat him easier.
So, you're complaining about not being able to beat the hardest boss in the event on the hardest difficulty with 4*s?
I'm not making fun. You're complaining about not being able to beat content that is above your star level.
I think you're missing the point.
Are you just blocking, or are you parrying?
I do agree that he’s definitely the toughest boss in this EQ.
She just might not be the right champ to beat him with.
12 L1 Revs, and 50 Pots, just to take down one Boss in Master 3.1, there's a bloody problem. It needs toned down.
R1 Ronan to the rescue.
So many people forget about ole Ronan.
Who else did you try?
It's like you're in my brain, brah.
I ended up having to pummel him with Hulk, Collector-style. Hit, hit, die. Voodoo got smashed. Hyp was toast. I used who I brought.
I get that people want to flex their muscles on these Threads, but it's too far. Not even reasonable. I do Master every month. It shouldn't be that amped up. People can feel free to say it's skill or the right Champs, but I'm saying I really think it needs toned down. Too far.
I know you normally do Master every month, and most times get through it fairly easily. So I know you have the skills for it. That's why I was saying it's probably more of a roster issue than anything. Bet if you go back with some different champs, you'd beat him easier.