15.5 mill 5x5 top 400 ally looking 2 members 5500+ prestige for gold1 - pushing for plat 3

Alliance Name: [TRI] The Renegade Initiativev
AQ: Map5.
AW Season 2: Tier 3/4 - Gold 1 rank 28.
Currently War Rating: 2,137.
About us:
We're friendly alliance and our members always help and advise each other.
We're from all over the world. Most of us have jobs, studies, family, children etc.
We do everything to keep the game fresh and fun together like one big family.
Minimum Requirements:
- Prestige: 5.5k+
- Donations: 100k Gold, 27k Battle Chips, 10k Loyalty.
- Events: 15k Completion, 1k Item Use, 7k SA (these are not enforced if you pull your weight in AW)
- Participation in AW/AQ.
- LINE app for communication.
We are looking for skilled, reliable and active members.
Please contact us only if you have enough champions for AQ&AW.
(Besides the 6 champions you use for AQ&AW attack phase, you"ll need at least 10 strong champions (4* max, 5* R3+, 6*) for AW defence).
Contact Info (LINE): FireFly7
AQ: Map5.
AW Season 2: Tier 3/4 - Gold 1 rank 28.
Currently War Rating: 2,137.
About us:
We're friendly alliance and our members always help and advise each other.
We're from all over the world. Most of us have jobs, studies, family, children etc.
We do everything to keep the game fresh and fun together like one big family.
Minimum Requirements:
- Prestige: 5.5k+
- Donations: 100k Gold, 27k Battle Chips, 10k Loyalty.
- Events: 15k Completion, 1k Item Use, 7k SA (these are not enforced if you pull your weight in AW)
- Participation in AW/AQ.
- LINE app for communication.
We are looking for skilled, reliable and active members.
Please contact us only if you have enough champions for AQ&AW.
(Besides the 6 champions you use for AQ&AW attack phase, you"ll need at least 10 strong champions (4* max, 5* R3+, 6*) for AW defence).
Contact Info (LINE): FireFly7