New quest -enter the cabal -chapter 3 scene 1 - Adaptoid

This character is so overpowered it is beyond rediculous. KOD 4 of 5. Had to fully heal Superior Ironman and Medusa to defeat it. You cannot defend against its special attacks. What kind of BS is that?

Rank your champs and git gud son don’t hate on the challenge.
I dumped a lot of resources and got past him, then beat Red Skull easily with no resources.
Scroll up. It should be right under.
Where there is no c option to the right. Where my arrow is in my image.
The A and B is a scroll window
All the current recommendations are: use Medusa. don't have her? use Ronan and stun lock.
I used overpower champions to out damage the arc overload.
whats giving you the trouble? evading? out damaging the healing?