Tier 4 cat trade in crystals
Is it just me or is this a really offset and not so well thought idea? I know how incredibly difficult it is to grind for tier 4 catylist as it is. Why on earth would I trade 3 for 1 while not being sure of what I get in return? 3 seems incredibly steep for 1 random one. A suggestion for the powers that be...maybe instead of it being random, allow the player to choose which one they are going to sacrifice 3 others for, or perhaps trade just 2 for the one random, or hell what not both suggestions together? Just seems like you wouldn't get many takers on that particular crystal package IMHO... What do others think?
If that is not you, stay away from the trade. If that is you, find something to upgrade instead. If you have expiring T4CC, and for whatever reason you can't use them to upgrade anything (no champ worth upgrading at all, or short other resources), then and only then this trade might make sense for you.