I Don’t Think We Need Compensation.

Clickbait? Somewhat. Let me explain.
The past month and a bit have been quite a disaster for Kabam and MCOC overall. The overheating issue was the cause of the delay to AW season 3, and many other complications.
Once Kabam fixes the game I feel like Kabam should not offer a compensation package, to make up on potential lost items from the issue. But instead, give the players a reward package. A package that gives the players more then they would have ever thought. My reason for this is quite simple. The loyalty that the community has shown for the game while the overheating was going on. Sure, the community complains about it a lot, but they still continue to play the game.
The positves of this approach from Kabam would be; the players being happy, the game fixed, and players still playing the game. That’s good for Kabam because then they have more people that can spend money still left over.
I hope Kabam takes this approach, not just for the rewards. But for keeping the player base active, and also saving the game from a potential downfall.
The past month and a bit have been quite a disaster for Kabam and MCOC overall. The overheating issue was the cause of the delay to AW season 3, and many other complications.
Once Kabam fixes the game I feel like Kabam should not offer a compensation package, to make up on potential lost items from the issue. But instead, give the players a reward package. A package that gives the players more then they would have ever thought. My reason for this is quite simple. The loyalty that the community has shown for the game while the overheating was going on. Sure, the community complains about it a lot, but they still continue to play the game.
The positves of this approach from Kabam would be; the players being happy, the game fixed, and players still playing the game. That’s good for Kabam because then they have more people that can spend money still left over.
I hope Kabam takes this approach, not just for the rewards. But for keeping the player base active, and also saving the game from a potential downfall.
Meanwhile, players spend in their strange special offers, as it is the only thing being given by them. We know in the end they will give us something for our "love", but they just want to do their stuff in peace.
Level up gem
6 star shards
That would be more than enough to keep everyone happy and busy and to bring players back. Also brings a bit of balance to the game so there isn't such a wide gap between war tiers and as tiers.