Try class catalyst and proving grounds.
Use XP boost too while you are at it.
proving grounds? Sory but i dont know what it's that
Quests to obtain basic catalyst to rank up champions.
They are located in the event quest of the fighting tab. Just after the current monthly. You will have the basic and the class proving grounds. Each level will provide you with 2 paths and a set difficulty.
The harder class proving grounds will require certain class champs to unlock the harder path in normal and heroic. Be certain you can handle the challenge.
Use XP boost too while you are at it.
proving grounds? Sory but i dont know what it's that
you mean going straight for venom? no?
Name changed? It is where to obtain TxBC (basic catalyst) to rank up champions.
Quests to obtain basic catalyst to rank up champions.
They are located in the event quest of the fighting tab. Just after the current monthly. You will have the basic and the class proving grounds. Each level will provide you with 2 paths and a set difficulty.
The harder class proving grounds will require certain class champs to unlock the harder path in normal and heroic. Be certain you can handle the challenge.
i do, but from my 15 4 stars champs i duped only 3