Life changing rank up question

I was about to take my 6* Angela to rank 2 but then realised I will get another T5B soon which will allow me to take both 5* Magik and Quake to 5/65.
I'm planning to do LOL and I know that the content will always be there. I have the AG and cats should I pull a 5* Starlord.
I've been told a rank 1 6* Angela is good enough to do LOL?
Should I go with ranking one 6* or max two 5* and wait till I pull a Starlord before attempting LOL?
I'm planning to do LOL and I know that the content will always be there. I have the AG and cats should I pull a 5* Starlord.
I've been told a rank 1 6* Angela is good enough to do LOL?
Should I go with ranking one 6* or max two 5* and wait till I pull a Starlord before attempting LOL?
Life changing rank up question 47 votes
6* Angela to Rank 2
13 votes
Max 5* Magik and Quake
22 votes
Wait for others
12 votes
My fav character!!!
I'm the boss killer for my BG and I do use her a lot for the boss kill too. There are a lot of counters now but she still gets everything done for me atm. I personally feel I won't regret bringing her to 5/65. @1776
Leaning towards rolling a Starlord (whenever that happens) and then have Angela as the backup for the first run.
I do have a duped 5* CM but only at 2/35. Do have the rank up gems to take her to 4/55 but wanna wait till I ever roll a Medusa. @1776
Medusa or Corvus