Hydra Adaptoid Counters: Definitive list

With all the talk about one certain Boss in this months event I thought I’d gather all the information I’ve seen on the forums, also asked alliance mates to find some on reddit since I’m not on there. This is what I’ve found, I’ve grouped each counter by how they exploit the abilities (I guess you could call it a loophole):
-Robots, champs who can specially shut down robots or have advantages over robots.
-Buff excess, champs who benefit or can exploit large amounts of buffs. Most rely on mystic dispersion.
-Large damage, champs who can just out damage the regen and finish the fight quickly meaning less specials to evade, or can deal the last 25% in one go therefore missing out the
Here we go:
-medusa: armour shatter can shut down abilities and power gain, including regen and unblockable under 25%
-nebula: charges can shut down abilities, including unstoppable, power gain, regen and under 25% health unblockable
-stark spidey: has a lot of damage with poise charges that will outdamage regen, shock does double damage against robots so L2 is a good one here.
Buff excess
-Morningstar: one L2 can do incredible damage, MD will get you to another sp2 in no time. One sp2 can skip out the last 25% and miss out the unblockable.
-magik: one l3 can do incredible damage , MD will get you back to sp3 easily. One sp3 can do the same as Morningstars sp2 and skip the last 25%
-voodoo: while he can’t poison, there’s still power control he can use. Not the best option at all, but still an option.
-Ronan: any star will do, permanent stun and if you have pacify/petrify I always forget which but one can stop the regen and the other reduces power and health gained. Both useful.
-ghost rider: can do a MLLLL MLLLM Sp1, Sp3 rotation to maximise buff reduction with fate seal. Throw in a heavy if you need to heal. All the buffs fuel MD if you have it.
-Loki: start the fight with two combos and a sp1 and steal all the buffs, you’ll have an sp3 with MD and then curse to gain all future buffs. MD will fuel you to get sp3 over and over again.
-mordo: use an sp2 and soul barb will do tons of damage with all the buffs and also reduce regen
-hood: sp2 rotation will fate seal permanently if you have MD
Large Damage
-star lord: large enough combo, if you can hold it, will counter the health regen. One sp2/3 will be able to skip the 25%.
-Corvus Glaive: can do the fight in under 30 hits, I’ve seen one do it in under 30 seconds, personally done it less than 40 seconds. He does true damage, ignoring all physical resistance. His special 2 can easily take off the last 25% damage so you don’t need to worry about unblockable. He also can have a 25% reduction of ability accuracy.
-Hyperion: L3, heavy heavy heavy. Power gain and L2. Enough said.
-ghost: massive damage, phase to avoid specials, used right would get him down in less than 30 hits.
-Guillotene: reverse the healing and take him down, can be any star level but clearly higher the better
-void: same as guillotene. Reverse healing.
- Proxima Mightnight: heal block on L1 and stun on L2/3 can help a lot. Complete the missions for more damage. Her ability accuracy affects the unblockable attacks so she can block under 25%.
-Blade: with villain synergy can shut down the adaptoid. No bleed, but AAR and increased damage
-Doc Ock: get permanent power lock and all you’ve got to deal with is unblockable under 25%
-sentinel: spamming l1 after max analysis will get heal block the entire time. Otherwise, use L2 for incinerate damage.
-Luke cage: spam l1 for stun lock. If you don’t stun, it’s fine you don’t need to worry about an l3 this fight. If you slip up, his dupe ability will save you.
-quake: normal quake heavy charge method will work, if adaptoid gets a bar of power you can just bait and continue.
If anyone else has any other helpful suggestions please add them. This is not a thread to argue it should or shouldn’t be nerfed. So if you feel like having that argument please find a different thread. This is only to help those who feel they don’t have options, or those who don’t know how to beat the boss.
Yep, if I didn’t have a nebula 6* I used to shut down the adaptoid, then Ghost rider would have been one of my next options, drawing with Magik and Corvus Glaive.
He's also great for the unblockable finale as fate sealing the bot can allow you to yoyo intercept without unstoppable after a special
The damnation on his sp3 for that last 25% is pretty crucial, no resistances ,
No power, no worries, it’s finishing that fight without dying that’s not the problem, ,cause if you die and he’s already unblockable...ugh
If he already has 10 resit buffs, using that sp3 would pretty much give u another sp3 right after , then just back him into the corner and yoyo intercept , found it pretty successful
i feel like as a 4*, He just couldn’t keep up with the block damage, he’d be an interesting experiment though and I’m now really tempted to see if he can do it. Once I’ve 100% uncollected I might give it a go. Just got the Loki quest to go then I’m done.
Heal blockers:
Yondu - L1 heal blocks for a good amount of time. Enough to keep heal block on. Can’t bleed since it’s a robot, but he can armor break. After the adaptoid uses enough specials, L2 does a large amount of damage.
Proxima Midnight (already mentioned) - not only does her L1 heal block and have increased attack if the opponent is healing, but with a high enough combo, her heal block duration doubles.
Iron Man Infinity War - unblockable L1 and heavy attacks are easy enough to land to be able to heal block the adaptoid. You can spam heavy when he is regenerating and save power for an L3 to inflict plasma for some small power control.
Civil Warrior - a lesser, underused champ, but still has the ability to heal block opponents when used correctly.
Sentinel (mentioned above)
Venompool - not the greatest champ to use since adaptoid is bleed immune but heal block on L2 and the ability to eat buffs and heal with L1 makes him an alright choice (not to mention class advantage)
Punisher 2099 - has the ability to automatically heal block and has decent power control options, as well as the ability to disintegrate on L3 (DoT + power control) which gives extra damage since he is immune to bleed and poison.
Doctor Octopus - probably one of the best counters. Infinite power lock and heal block makes for a really good counter to the adaptoid.
Gladiator Hulk/Hulk (Ragnarok)/Gulk - steady L1 heal block and attack that ramps with crowd ability makes him a good counter. Also ennervate on L2 allows him a combo without giving the adaptoid power.
Howard the Duck - along with Civil Warrior an underused champ. Howard does have the ability to heal block although it is much more random. L2 can heal block and after an L3 he can heal block on crit.
I will report back how my Master fights go.
I did consider adding some heal block champs, but I feel like with the inherent difficulty of the adaptoid, heal block alone just isn’t enough and a champ needs a bit more than that. I think a few of those would be unsuitable for uncollected.
Civil warrior I actually agree may be good enough, with the power drain too. Very consistent heal block and good survivability with armour.
Yondu, perhaps as well. Weakness may make him a bit more durable as well if he’s duped.
Glad hulk is the last I’d consider a maybe, with his ok damage but remember with physical resistance that’s going to be a looonng fight.
I don’t think the others are suitable personally, but thanks for the useful input
Well it’s really up to the user. Sometimes you have to go with the most unlikely champ to win a fight as we’ve learned many times before. Not everyone has mainstream champs that people take for granted like SS, Blade, GR, Medusa, MS, etc. I personally am uncollected and only have one of those as a 4* 5/50. I am planning on ranking my 5* Yondu I got recently because he’s a personal favorite of mine and I’m sure he’ll work him over pretty well. But at least a full list of potential counters gives people options to try instead of saying nerf him.
Of course, it’s completely up to the user. The thing with Uc Hydra adaptoid is that literally any champ COULD beat him, with a high enough rank. I just listed the ones that I think have the best chance of that. If I could edit the Op I would add Yondu, civil warrior and Glad Hulk because you made a good case for them.
Side note with Yondu. You won’t regret it, I got him from a 15k feature I decided to buy when I was drunk, managed to luck out with one crystal, best drunk decision I ever made. I really do love him.
Thanks, I probably should have put that in, but I guess it’s kinda implied.
I did consider Modok and while I guess he would work. My issue is his very low block proficiency, and also the fact that his sp1 only reverses healing and power gain for the duration of the attack. So maybe 1 or 2 seconds, unfortunately not enough to reverse Vigor completely.
If you have a video of him one-shotting the adaptoid I’d be very interested to see it! I just don’t think the l1 3 seconds of heal reduction is enough to cancel out the huge amount of health that Vigor recovers.
Modok hits quite hard ... i know people have just put him on defence and forgotten about him but he has above average damage on top of heal reversal
Yep, I should probably have put Cap IW on there. I was considering it, but didn’t for some reason. Petrify and dealing with that unstoppable is a brilliant counter.
I agree, I love my 4* modok. I’m just not sure he’s a great choice for the adaptoid. If I saw some gameplay maybe I’d change my mind.
Wow, that was a good fight. Definitely interested to see how he would do against UC adaptoid.