Gambit: Is he good?

So, I just got a 5* Gambit today. Thing is, I have no idea how Gambit fares in competitive areas of the game such as AQ and AW, but my alliance mates told me he kind of sucks.
So the question here is, do you think Gambit is good, assuming he is utilised properly?
So the question here is, do you think Gambit is good, assuming he is utilised properly?
He's not all that bad IMO and he definitely can do some pretty serious damage if properly utilized. His L1 is a guaranteed stun if it makes contact giving you those precious few seconds extra to slap the stupid out of your opponent! I like using his L1 most over the other two specials because if you time your specials power build-up properly and hold off that L1 until just before your power meter gets to 2 bars & let her rip then beat the **** out of them while stunned from the L1 and before the come out of the stun you've already built up another L1 so let that her rip & stun their butt again, rinse & repeat lol...
I've kept opponents stun locked the entire fight until I KO'ed them by doing that! It helps if you have your utility masteries like stupefy, pacify etc. to keep them stunned longer. His L2 can do some serious crit damage but it's a bit difficult to land it because it's a slow process & it usually gets blocked unless you time it so that you parry them 1st then while they're stunned you activate your L2, stuns them good if it contacts and takes 1000's in HP off your opponent. His L3 is **** though IMO... barely does damage, at least not enough damage that makes it worthy of holding untill you have the power bar filled.
His charge up ability is worthless. After 5 charges it takes way too long to get more, you always get hit and therefore interrupted. And 5 charges still makes for mediocre special damage.
The only useful thing about him is his level 1, and even that's not very special.