Tell me.. Power [Gain] & Power [Absorption] why isn't there for some?

Hello summoners, friends of this game where anything is fun and funny, creepy and annoying, full of lags and bugs.
Let's have a talk regarding this subject and perhaps isn't just me..
*Note.. this isn't a bad mouthing the game. It's just talking what it is in the game, the true things that we players bump into it.
Let's have a talk regarding this subject and perhaps isn't just me..
*Note.. this isn't a bad mouthing the game. It's just talking what it is in the game, the true things that we players bump into it.
Let's start with:
Power b]Gain[/b:
- Morningstar: doing heavy attacks with her, you get a power gain icon where ( I don't see a power gain) you should gain energy & I used her in every known fighting ground in the game and never, by playing passively, gained any power bar= energy.
I suggest / request that she needs to be fixed. I have her awakened from 3* to 5* and no power gain at all (if you know how she works- explain).
Power b]Absorption[/b:
Regarding any champion that has specials as energy and I mean shocks, electricity & goes against each other.
Why they don't have the ability to absorb that energy in combat?!
Ex: Electro Vs. Storm / Vs. The Hood / Vs. Electro even.. and so on.Yeah ..

Another thing is with Ultron that has the ability to regenerate if is involved any energy punching or special (and perhaps other champions that right now I don't remember have similar abilities).
So, again, why those champions in the game don't have that type of ability?!
