Alliance War boss health bug

KaruseusKaruseus Member Posts: 528 ★★
I just fought an AW boss medusa, brought her down to about 30% health left and then timed out

Then, when my Alliance member started the fight to finish her off, medusa had 100% health. I mean WTF.
Pls fix this.


  • A108A108 Member Posts: 6
    Edit: above image should view 1:12:31 then followed by 1:12:30 - AW countdown timer
  • hungryhungrybbqhungryhungrybbq Member Posts: 2,248 ★★★★★
    Did more than player attempt to fight him at the same time by any chance? Something similar happened to me a long time ago. Two of us attempted to enter the fight simultaneously. We believe it actually allowed both of us to fight. One of us removes 75% the other 25%.. I exit my fight and see the health remaining as 25%.. the other player exits and I see it jump up to 75%. I flipped out:) My alliance mate, who works in the app/game industry said each of our devices probably reported back a different result to the servers which is why we saw the health change before our eyes. My device sends a report that the boss has x health left. The other attacker's device sends a report the boss has y health remaining. Since his fight finished after mine, the result of his is the one that stayed. He said it should never have allowed us to both fight the boss in the same state (full health/first fight), yet that was the best explaination we could come up with.
  • hungryhungrybbqhungryhungrybbq Member Posts: 2,248 ★★★★★
    In theory, the boss should have been at zero health (75% and 25% - approximate) had our fights been one after the other. Since we think the fights were actually happening parallel to each other, the net result from removing 75% then 25% was that we only removed 25%.
  • hungryhungrybbqhungryhungrybbq Member Posts: 2,248 ★★★★★
    It's not that his device told the servers to add health.. just that the total health remaining was greater than what was there currently.
  • A108A108 Member Posts: 6
    AW boss increased health mysteriously

    Sequence of pics:
    1. Ko'ed by classic spidey with remaining health 13%


    2. Waiting to re-enter fight


    3. Classic spidey gained health mysteriously. There is no regen node or Willpower.


    4. Health increased for Spidey boss when re-entered fight


    On top of other glitches, this happened. Appreciate an explanation from Kabam's team and ensure that such incident will not happen again.
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