[PWT]HeLLraisins are looking for some good, active players!

MetalneckMetalneck Member Posts: 12
Like the title says, we are looking for some good, ACTIVE players to finish filling out our roster and to help us trim the dead wood holding us back. We are a laid back alliance with a great core of long time members. We are AW & AQ focused and are trying to hit that next tier that is almost in reach!
Currently we are 3.5 million, Bronze 1 386 out of 1000, so we aren't far from hitting Silver 3. We are running Map 2 in AQ but are considering Map 3 if we have the right players. We run AW 2x a week and try to take weekends off for family time because life happens. We run AQ as much as possible. We also save up to do Summoner Advancement every other week for better rewards.

  1. You must participate in all AW & AQ. We expect a minimum of 5% participation which isn't hard to do.
  2. You must be level 50 or better.
  3. Be nice, respectful, and have fun! This is a game after all!
  4. Help your alliance mates! Everyone has different strategies in game that work for them, share your knowledge so we all benefit.

What we don't want:
  1. Drama queens. Keep that mess to yourself. No one is interested in that.
  2. Being disrespectful. This is a game and people play it to have fun. Don't ruin that for others.
  3. Not participating! This is a big one. We keep track of who meets the minimum requirements. Don't do so twice in a short time, you're gone.

Like I said, we have a great core group and are all very friendly with each other. We want players that want to be a part of that as well. We just need some additional good players to join so that we can all grow stronger and reach that next level!
You can reach me in game by this screen name or on Line (which isn't required!) through Metal_Neck.
I look forward to meeting you and having you join a fun oriented, laid back alliance that is more of a family than a bunch of strangers!


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