5 Star Shards

Hey there Kabam.

Wanted to suggest that at this point in the daily grind of MCOC, I feel like 5 star shards should be more attainable. This time last year as an alliance we were getting roughly 1 4 star a week. At this stage of progression in the game, it feels like we should be getting roughly the same frequency for 5 stars. But in our current state I would estimate it's probably about 1 every 2 weeks.

Now this wouldn't be a problem if you didn't fear the outcome of what was in the new crystal, but to be fair there's a lot of bad options to pull out of a crystal these days. So it becomes pretty deflating to grind it out for 10k shards only to get a bad champ that really sits on your digital bench collecting digital dust, that maybe would be used for arena fodder.

Personally, the last series of pulls for me have been pretty bad, champs I wouldn't even consider taking past r2 which makes the mad rush to grind out more shards (I even tried doing arena to get some extra shards per week), well it makes it just flat our discouraging.

For me it becomes a tipping point and maybe others, that when the frequency of bad pulls and the slow trickle of shards to the masses, well it makes me start really hating the grind and starts making me not want to play. I want to stay hooked, that's the idea of the carrot on the stick...just enough to keep you going to keep grinding and playing. But when the majority of times that carrot is a rotten banana....well, it doesn't make me want to stick around.

I've really enjoyed for the most part (minus all the bugs and issues that have come up etc), the game at a high level. It's fun and a great way to pass the time. However with the issues above I'm wondering if my tenure is coming to a close.

I work in the game industry myself, so I know that there are challenges with balancing and keeping player engagement in an evergreen title. The company I work for develops an evergreen title as well, and that's a challenge we face every day; player retention.

In any case I wanted to bring up in a positive fashion, I hope it reads that way. I know you guys get enough hate mail, but I feel it's fair to address something like this because as we all know, that if one person feels that way then there's also a group that feels the same way.

This could be applied to the t2a issue as well.

A solution I would propose is to 1) reduce the amount of shards for a 5 star basic down to 5k (although 2k so it's similar to a 4 star would be great), 2) really start revamping old champs in the crystals so that they aren't such a disappointment to get. Do they need to function the same as the elite level champs? No, but improving their usefulness and fun factor would go a long way. You did this with Luke Cage and Red Hulk and people are loving them.... there's quite a long list of champs that could use this treatment.

Anyway, thanks for your time.



  • ZekedamamZekedamam Member Posts: 296 ★★
  • winterthurwinterthur Member Posts: 8,321 ★★★★★
    Noobstra said:

    Hey there Kabam.

    Wanted to suggest that at this point in the daily grind of MCOC, I feel like 5 star shards should be more attainable. This time last year as an alliance we were getting roughly 1 4 star a week. At this stage of progression in the game, it feels like we should be getting roughly the same frequency for 5 stars. But in our current state I would estimate it's probably about 1 every 2 weeks.

    I am happy if I can get one 5* in 5 weeks.
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