Summoner Appreciation Week Discussion



  • DarthPhalDarthPhal Member Posts: 1,064 ★★★★
    DNA3000 wrote: »
    Ace_03 wrote: »
    Werewrym wrote: »
    So I guess they are going to just go on ignoring this thread until their "appreciation" goes live on the 24th. I love the way that this is being handled... I don't understand why they don't realize what is at stake for them. Mike told us that compensation is about making up for what summoners missed out on. Then the MCoC team decides to ignore this and create a complete garbage appreciation event that, one, in now way makes up for what we lost, and two, makes us choose which area of the game we were inconvenienced in when most summoners were inconvenienced in ALL areas of the game.

    Where do the lies end? They cannot expect us to forget this when the lies that we were told were so blatantly obvious. Kabam cannot expect us to let something like this go when it is 100% their own fault. It is time to act mature and admit that they messed up. It is okay to mess up, we all understand you guys are human also. We can forgive. What we cannot do, however, is tolerate the constant assumption that Kabam is free to lie and get away with less than the bare minimum. We won't put up with it. No company that is willing to cheat their customers continuously will last, and unfortunately Kabam has put their foot over this line one too many times.

    Act now before it is too late...

    What is more saddening is people still spending, if their data doesn't reflect reticence from the community to spend, we are giving them carte blanche to do whatever they please.

    We have to remember that forum posters are only a very tiny percentage of the playerbase, and not a representative sample either. In many ways, we are self-selected rabble rousers: most players do not want to, and do not actively participate in public conversation about the game. At best, we might represent the vocal visible community, but we don't represent the playerbase itself. Most of the time, the playerbase as a whole doesn't share our feelings about things, particularly our frustrations about certain things. We have to accept the fact that their feelings, whatever they may be, are just as valid as ours are.

    "We" is tenuous, consensus is rarely anything but an illusion. For example, I'm disappointed with the way they handled the compensation announcement, and I'm tentatively disappointed with the compensation itself but I have to reserve final judgment for when I actually know what's in it, which is part of my disappointment. But I'm not as upset as some others are about summoner appreciation week itself. Had SA not been connected to direct compensation at all, if it was just an SA week of stuff to show appreciation for experiencing the problems the game has been experiencing but not explicitly to directly compensate for any particular issue, I'd have been perfectly fine with it.

    I'm perturbed that Kabam handled this so badly, but I'm not quite as angry or frustrated as many other players are. I suspect there's quite a range of feelings out there, as the discussion surrounding a recent podcast also demonstrates. If someone out there is fine with spending on the game, it really isn't our place to say that decision is wrong.

    Exactly! If your circle consists entirely of grumpy old men, there may appear to be a consensus that kids should get off of lawns. Other lawn owners may vary.
  • edited August 2018
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  • Dmo1973Dmo1973 Member Posts: 50
    Here's a thought, Kabam. You have to add an additional week to Summoner Appreciation for every time your game crashes this week and during the summoner appreciation event. At this point that's at least 2 more weeks...
  • Kobster84Kobster84 Member Posts: 2,898 ★★★★★
    Ace_03 wrote: »
    Werewrym wrote: »
    The game team needs to realize this is about keeping their word. We were told the compensation would make up for our losses. Well they have our answer. It doesn't! We need to know that when they tell us something they will come through on their word and currently that is not the case.

    The easy solution is to bracket rewards based on your prestige. There is no way that a generic package is going to do what they said they wanted it to. I guarantee you that a level 60 player missed out on far more rewards then a level 40 player. If they don't address this then they are completely ignoring the rules they set down for themselves.

    But of course we should be thankful from just getting a generic "we recognize you are here" message and just be like:

    "Oh good jolly! We'll I guess I'll go suck on my popsicle and wait for y'all to sorts this out, cause I trust you very much Mr. Netmarble"

    5 days, hundreds of written opinions and ideas on how to do this the right way, not one peep. But I'm glad the game is helping us out, because whenever they stonewall, the game goes down, there is lag, errors and some controversy on the top reminds us what we are asking for an extremely better compensation package.

    Look, if they don't want to do anything else for us, close the thread, write on of those great condescending and hype passive-aggressive rhetoric and whoever wants to leave can do so, I think Marvel Strike Force and MCOC are having a competition for worst mobile game/worst mobile gaming company of all time.
    Some tight competition right now
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  • DNA3000DNA3000 Member, Guardian Posts: 20,472 Guardian
    Dmo1973 wrote: »
    Here's a thought, Kabam. You have to add an additional week to Summoner Appreciation for every time your game crashes this week and during the summoner appreciation event. At this point that's at least 2 more weeks...

    Since adding a week would extend the summoner appreciation event by a week, this sounds like it has the potential to create Summoner Appreciation Epoch.
  • teekqteekq Member Posts: 190
    Kobster84 wrote: »
    Dmo1973 wrote: »
    Here's a thought, Kabam. You have to add an additional week to Summoner Appreciation for every time your game crashes this week and during the summoner appreciation event. At this point that's at least 2 more weeks...
    That’s like summoner appreciation year already
  • Kobster84Kobster84 Member Posts: 2,898 ★★★★★
    I can honestly say that summoner appreciation week, unless I'm missing something, won't come close to what I missed out on due to poor game performance. The overheating issue is still present as well but not as severe as once was but still hampers performance to a significant degree. I tend to think a tiered compensation is warranted but that will upset people too. It's a big mess no matter what they do.

    Ye I agree here
  • Nick_Caine_32Nick_Caine_32 Member Posts: 587 ★★★★
    We’re gonna have to agree to disagree on that @DNA3000 and I still think there’s a case to be made when the largest flare ups have yielded results from pushback here, whether that’s a full rollback or not, but to your point on global - if that’s the case, should we take a look after the game crashes and people are upset there and extrapolate to kabam their dissatisfaction? Would it equal the same as the forums and Reddit? There’s a ton of threads on there bashing Kabam as well, for this topic and the outages and all. Focus groups are more scientific but were not doing them for this game personally, so we won’t know - and trust me, I was a clinical psych grad so I’m fully aware how they function. I just think even for recent history like the AQ and Sentinel changes that it was a perfect example of a unilateral, bad Kabam decision and rollout, pushback on here and Reddit etc, and rollback from Kabam. For what we have to go on, the only forums we can check and see the overall feeling of the most vocal in the community, the state of the game and the opinion of this summoner depreciation/compensation is in the majority negative.

    And for those that it matters most to, who were either directly affected on their devices (or STILL are affected) and the guys in their alliances, it’s not enough and still insulting that they thought it was. They went into a meeting and whatever they looked at, decided that this was the best way, and that’s where the problem and the disconnect is.

    And I’ll say this much: If they don’t change a thing about this decision, and the packages rollout Friday and are as pitiful as we are expecting, and during the week of appreciation there’s continued game crashing and outages, the reaction here will only continue to boil and possibly explode. And this is the situation that Kabam created, chose not to fix or address when they had the chance, and will solely own.
  • Kade7175Kade7175 Member Posts: 304 ★★
    Hey the game team knows, so who knows maybe they will do somethin for us.
  • Kobster84Kobster84 Member Posts: 2,898 ★★★★★
    IOSJasoN wrote: »
    DNA3000 wrote: »
    We have to remember that forum posters are only a very tiny percentage of the playerbase,

    most players do not want to, and do not actively participate in public conversation about the game. At best, we might represent the vocal visible community, but we don't represent the playerbase itself. Most of the time, the playerbase as a whole doesn't share our feelings about things, particularly our frustrations about certain things. We have to accept the fact that their feelings, whatever they may be, are just as valid as ours are.

    "We" is tenuous, consensus is rarely anything but an illusion. For example, I'm disappointed with the way they handled the compensation announcement, and I'm tentatively disappointed with the compensation itself but I have to reserve final judgment for when I actually know what's in it, which is part of my disappointment. But I'm not as upset as some others are about summoner appreciation week itself. Had SA not been connected to direct compensation at all, if it was just an SA week of stuff to show appreciation for experiencing the problems the game has been experiencing but not explicitly to directly compensate for any particular issue, I'd have been perfectly fine with it.

    If someone out there is fine with spending on the game, it really isn't our place to say that decision is wrong.

    Although I can agree with parts of this it does raise valid concerns..
    It's none of my business what someone spends their money on..
    The question is would they still spend if they knew SA tied into Compensation for all the serious issues 19 update created..
    I played along time before ever setting foot on the forum, I never watched youtube videos about it, As far as I was concerned I was playing a mobile gaming app and that was that..
    As you stated "most players do not want to, and do not actively participate in public conversation about the game" So all them players (F2P and/or spenders) that don't keep up with the game outside the game only have this to go on..
    I'm counting the use of the word "Gift" 11 times..
    Not a single mention of Compensation or the 19 update contained within the message at all..
    As far as SA goes I really don't care (it would have been nice to have something for players farther along in the game but it is what it is)
    The idea of the 7 hour crystal is ridiculous with the game being as unstable as it is (Thoughs that can't login due to server issues will be asking for compensation yet again so it causes more problems)
    The Compensation/Gift is completely inadequate for all the problems caused by 19..
    A generic slice of pie was never going to cut it for all players level 6-60..
    When informing players in Global their Gift is also their Compensation, I've been called (stupid, an idiot and a troll) I've been asked if I bought my ac as no one my level should be making such pathetic and annoying statements and I've been told to learn the difference between SA and Compensation..
    It's only when other players have stated "he's right, kabam are saying it's compensation" has the anger and aggression turned to the fact this has been handled so damn poorly and the Compensation/Gift is in no way enough for the problems caused..

    Well for it to be called compensation they’d have to admit fault and there never gonna do that
  • BapoiBapoi Member Posts: 995 ★★★
    Ace_03 wrote: »
    Bapoi wrote: »
    Ace_03 wrote: »
    Kabam Lyra wrote: »
    Hi all,

    We just wanted to let you know that we appreciate all of the constructive feedback about the Summoner Appreciation event and that we have shared your thoughts with the rest of the team.

    I think we are pass the "notice me senpai" phase.

    I don't want my thoughts shared, I would like an official response please.

    PS: The game is down once again, good job everyone. The appreciation is just oozing out of the game.

    You did get one. It really never is any good no matter what you guys hear.
    This thread has not gone unnoticed. Instead of ranting, be glad it is acknowledged and that it’s being looked at. If nothing else, this was common decency.

    "Be glad it is acknowledged and that it’s being looked at".

    So it's a favor that they are doing for us?

    "It really never is any good no matter what you guys hear".

    I value myself and so does the community, if you are satisfied with crumbs, congratulations, I guess it doesn't take much to satisfy you.

    Finally, I find it curious you didn't mention the current 3rd outage in the last 3 days and number who knows what of the last month.

    Bet hey, at the very least we are acknowledged and we should feel humbled and honored by such a grand display of benevolence.

    I guess you would call that rant, since expressing your honest opinions and not agreeing everything is great and pretty , is considered a rant.


    You are most amusing.

    1) no, it isn’t a favour. It is also not something to be a little **** about. They gave a repsonse. Whether or not you like it is up to you.
    2) grand assumption apparently that I do not value myself, and apparently you know how I feel. Posing an opinion not yours should therefore not be done I guess.
    3) why would I mention those? What did they have to do with anything related to a message posted by a moderator?
    4) sarcasm? Where did I say you should feel humbled? I said they acknowledged the thread and the concerns. Not that you should be all giddy with joy.
    5) yes, I will call it a rant. It was just lashing out for the sake of lashing out.

    Now... I’m going to go ahead and assume you think me a troll, as well as ranting, because based on your own assumptions, I guess this is just that. You’re not the only chuckling, I had a good belly laugh at this response.

    Do some breathing excercises or something, find some peace.

    Everyone is entitled to their opinion obviously. Positive or negative. Am I okay with the compensation as offered at the moment? I’m not NOT okay with it. Could it have been better? Most definitely. Should it need to 12.0 level compensations? Nowhere near. Are people taking things way, way too seriously in regards to a game? In my opinion, definitely.
    Would I like to see the compensation adjusted? I most assuredly wouldn’t mind. Will I lose sleep if it doesn’t happen? Most definitely not.

    Will shooting the messengers have any positive effect? I think not. It might lower your body temp some, but it won’t be any more than that. There is nothing to be gained from being the abbreviation to Richard.
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  • BapoiBapoi Member Posts: 995 ★★★
    Ace_03 wrote: »
    Bapoi wrote: »
    Ace_03 wrote: »
    Bapoi wrote: »
    Ace_03 wrote: »
    Kabam Lyra wrote: »
    Hi all,

    We just wanted to let you know that we appreciate all of the constructive feedback about the Summoner Appreciation event and that we have shared your thoughts with the rest of the team.

    I think we are pass the "notice me senpai" phase.

    I don't want my thoughts shared, I would like an official response please.

    PS: The game is down once again, good job everyone. The appreciation is just oozing out of the game.

    You did get one. It really never is any good no matter what you guys hear.
    This thread has not gone unnoticed. Instead of ranting, be glad it is acknowledged and that it’s being looked at. If nothing else, this was common decency.

    "Be glad it is acknowledged and that it’s being looked at".

    So it's a favor that they are doing for us?

    "It really never is any good no matter what you guys hear".

    I value myself and so does the community, if you are satisfied with crumbs, congratulations, I guess it doesn't take much to satisfy you.

    Finally, I find it curious you didn't mention the current 3rd outage in the last 3 days and number who knows what of the last month.

    Bet hey, at the very least we are acknowledged and we should feel humbled and honored by such a grand display of benevolence.

    I guess you would call that rant, since expressing your honest opinions and not agreeing everything is great and pretty , is considered a rant.


    You are most amusing.

    1) no, it isn’t a favour. It is also not something to be a little **** about. They gave a repsonse. Whether or not you like it is up to you.
    2) grand assumption apparently that I do not value myself, and apparently you know how I feel. Posing an opinion not yours should therefore not be done I guess.
    3) why would I mention those? What did they have to do with anything related to a message posted by a moderator?
    4) sarcasm? Where did I say you should feel humbled? I said they acknowledged the thread and the concerns. Not that you should be all giddy with joy.
    5) yes, I will call it a rant. It was just lashing out for the sake of lashing out.

    Now... I’m going to go ahead and assume you think me a troll, as well as ranting, because based on your own assumptions, I guess this is just that. You’re not the only chuckling, I had a good belly laugh at this response.

    Do some breathing excercises or something, find some peace.

    Everyone is entitled to their opinion obviously. Positive or negative. Am I okay with the compensation as offered at the moment? I’m not NOT okay with it. Could it have been better? Most definitely. Should it need to 12.0 level compensations? Nowhere near. Are people taking things way, way too seriously in regards to a game? In my opinion, definitely.
    Would I like to see the compensation adjusted? I most assuredly wouldn’t mind. Will I lose sleep if it doesn’t happen? Most definitely not.

    Will shooting the messengers have any positive effect? I think not. It might lower your body temp some, but it won’t be any more than that. There is nothing to be gained from being the abbreviation to Richard.

    All I feel is pity for you, since you worked yourself into a seethe. Composure is the privilege of the strong, to be so laughably and comically triggered by just an opinion is so unbecoming.

    How sweet.
    Unfortunately for you, I’m very much not triggered. It saddens me a little that any opposing view in your eyes comes from someone who’s triggered or wrong. As you said, they’re opinions. When did mine become any less than yours?
  • WerewrymWerewrym Member Posts: 2,830 ★★★★★
    Honcho222 wrote: »
    I'm just looking forward to 2019's summoner appreciation day....

    Its gonna be huge!
  • SnizzbarSnizzbar Member Posts: 2,279 ★★★★★
    Werewrym wrote: »
    Honcho222 wrote: »
    I'm just looking forward to 2019's summoner appreciation day....

    Its gonna be huge!

    At this rate it's going to be about half an hour
  • WerewrymWerewrym Member Posts: 2,830 ★★★★★
    Snizzbar wrote: »
    Werewrym wrote: »
    Honcho222 wrote: »
    I'm just looking forward to 2019's summoner appreciation day....

    Its gonna be huge!

    At this rate it's going to be about half an hour

  • BrainimpacterBrainimpacter Member Posts: 578 ★★★
    30 minute timers?
  • WerewrymWerewrym Member Posts: 2,830 ★★★★★
    30 minute timers?

    Perfect! @Kabam Miike @Kabam Lyra this guys has a brilliant idea! Maybe you guys should change our energy timers to 30 minutes instead of 6. That would be a great way to compensate... I mean appreciate us.
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