Takes 50 help clears to get the 1k daily loyalty. Only 2 ppl in my alliance even have 50 points. I’ve been at 38 points since I cleared when I woke up. Some of our guys r still at 2 points. It’s a trash event with trash rewards, but it’s not working right nonetheless. 1 more broken thing to add to the list of 1,000’s of other things. Might be “working as intended”, but definitely not “working correctly”!
They need to put it in the coming soon section before the loyalty from help resets.
As it is now it encourages people NOT to help until the next day, just in case it’s the event.
Luckily it can be done with one round per person rather than requiring 2 rounds per player like the old one, but it’s still counter intuitive and bad design.
Either have it start when the loyalty timer restarts or make extra helps count and just increase the milestones significantly.
As it is now it encourages people NOT to help until the next day, just in case it’s the event.
Luckily it can be done with one round per person rather than requiring 2 rounds per player like the old one, but it’s still counter intuitive and bad design.
Either have it start when the loyalty timer restarts or make extra helps count and just increase the milestones significantly.