Please don’t bracket players based on info you won’t tell us.

Several of my alliance members do not have the 6th milestone in dungeons. I had some of them update their rosters in Clan HQ’s prestige calculator and according to that they have over 4200 prestige. I realize that Clan HQ is an external prestige calculator and is probably not completely accurate, but I would like to point out to Kabam that if you would tell the players what their prestige is in-game, there would be no need for external prestige calculators. They are bracketing players based on a number that they won’t share. The only way for a player to be sure of their prestige is to dump a bunch of units into restoring all their mastery points and they dump a bunch more units into rebuilding them, just for some information of how close they are to the next bracket.
I get that some people will always miss the cutoff and be upset, but I think 4200 is too high of a cutoff. I’d say 3800 maybe 4000 would be better.