Game Lag and Crash

About 5-10 minutes ago, I was playing in a dungeon with an alliance member and the bad connection warning popped up. Thought it was my wifi, so I turned on data and it still continued. Closed and restarted the game, which took significantly longer than normal; maybe sixty seconds just to load. Then, tried to start the fight again and the game completely crashed. Opened the game again, which again took about a minute to load, in order to try and finish the dungeon. Luckily my teammate was able to finish without me, but we were really close to running out of time.
Obviously, this is annoying on top of it probably affected others besides me. Just curious if anyone else experienced this and if it affected the outcome.
Obviously, this is annoying on top of it probably affected others besides me. Just curious if anyone else experienced this and if it affected the outcome.