Advise on Featured 5* Hero Crystal

Does anybody buy the featured crystal? Is the risk worth the reward? Especially when you see champs Colossus, Juggs and IP on the list but on the other hand u do have IMIW, CAIW, AA, and CG in that same list. Just asking for advise to see if it’s worth spending the extra 5k shards or just go with regular 5* hero crystal.
Yeah see that’s the kind of luck I have with this game where I will end up with a crappy champ and wasted 5k shards.
I have only been playing for a couple of months so I don’t have that many 5*.
If you don't have many, get more. There are some fantastic champs in the basic crystals, and you need to grow your roster. Focus on that for now. You have a couple of really good champs. Add a couple more and you'll be solid.
Damn not a bad haul at all.
All you need to know is this @Rubt_1
Don't waste that 5k extra shards