Please be aware, there is a known issue with Saga badging when observing the AW map.
The team have found the source of the issue and will be updating with our next build.
We apologize for the inconvenience.

Looking for Alliance after season ends

RasiloverRasilover Posts: 1,471 ★★★★
6K+ Prestige
AQ: 5X5 Top 500
Aw: Plat 3 Minimum
Tier 4+
Contact IGN or LINE : Rasilover


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    Malice0831Malice0831 Posts: 3
    Bahahaha! Might want a defense first before trying to get in platinum! Bahahahaha
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    RasiloverRasilover Posts: 1,471 ★★★★
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    crystaldsmithcrystaldsmith Posts: 471 ★★
    Darn, Rasi got 2 threads. Homie is working it.
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    We r very active, work great as a team, amazing communication, good group of friends and always like to help each other out. I’ve been here for a year and a month now and I’ve made big improvement in the game my fighting, my champs, my rating. There’s 24 of us rn. And we need 6 more people. We always like to help each other out. We get some great rewards 4*/5* shards. I get 2 4* crystals every week. Alright so into the rules. 1.- be active 5 days inactive u will be kicked. If gone someone or on vacation or personal stuff going on let us know that u will be gone for a bit. 2.- help in events for great rewards and to help each other grow 3.- donate 10k every week does not matter what he 10k is just make sure u donate 10k ever week. 4.- groupme needed. Download the app groupme we use that app to communicate on once u have it all set up friend request me in game (IGN: Legø) and tell me he email that u used for groupme. 5.- ask for orders in AW/AQ an officer or leader will tell u where u will be going. 6.- maps 5,4,3,2 more so 4,3,2 maps not so much map 5 at the moment 7.- we don’t do lots of wars at the moment be aleast 1-2 times and week but when season 4 starts up then it will be 1-3 wars a week.
    8.- we hoard every other week so when we hoard dont open any crystals or lvl up or rank ups. We get around 500k-600k points on SA from hoarding.

    If u have any questions feel free to ask me or any officer we will be happy to help u.

    Send me a request in game make sure that understand rules and stuff. If u r having a hard time understanding tell me so I can explain it in a different way for u.
    My IGN again is: Legø
    Our ally name: Greenstarz

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